Title: | Hinds, Thomas to Carey, Mathew, 1795 |
ID | 6610 |
Collection | Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan. Letters and memoirs from colonial and revolutionary America (1675-1815) [K.A. Miller et al.] |
File | caanan/17 |
Year | 1795 |
Sender | Hinds, Thomas |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Philadelphia, USA |
Destination | Philadelphia, USA |
Recipient | Carey, Mathew |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | not acquainted |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 355 |
Genre | application for assistance |
Note | |
Transcript | Thomas Hinds, Philadelphia, to Mathew Carey, Philadelphia, 30 June 1795 Sir I make bold a Second time to Bring my Self to your view telling you I am a Native of Ireland where I had a Son bound to a brass founder & from the Cruelty of his master (who probably you may know) he came to this country in the Year 1770 he Settled Some years in this City And Carried on Said Business he wrote Several inviting Letters to me to come hither I co.d not then come <and> Rested Satisfied & Determined to come hither when I could, I accordingly with my Wife came with Captain Gaddas of the Ship General Washington and to my utter Ruin & disapointment I found my Son was gone to live in the Western country to a Town called Paris or Bourbon in Kantucky and by his absence am left without friends or Money I am therefore to Request to know if you think me Entitled to any Relief from the Hibernian Society as it is my fate in this very dear Country to come under the Exact condition of the Emigrants mention’d in the Rules of the institution I should be p<er>fectly Satisfied to Reimburse any primary relief I might receive as I only mean to be Subsisted till my Sons arrival who was in this town 6 or 8 Months ago & Sold a Waggonload of fir of Wild beasts for 7,000 dollars, I only mention to Shew you or give Some room to think ’im Rich & able to take care of me if I co.d once See ’im I wrote to ’im a month ago and I am informed another month may bring me an answer or ’imself in person which is the most likely if your good father or mother were here they wd leave nothing in their power undone to Serve my wife who lived 7 years with the Re d Doctor Dabzack at Rathmines near Dub<lin>: with a Reliance on you good Sir I am Your Most Respectfull & most devoted H<um>ble Servt, Thomas Hinds 30th of June 95 |