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Title: Mcarthur, Robert to McArthur, John, 1802
CollectionIrish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan. Letters and memoirs from colonial and revolutionary America (1675-1815) [K.A. Miller et al.]
SenderMcarthur, Robert
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlandowner, trader, distiller
Sender Religionunknown
OriginShenango Township, Crawford Co., Penn, USA
DestinationCarrowreagh, Co. Donegal, Ireland
RecipientMcArthur, John
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count1459
Genrelife in the colonies
TranscriptRobert McArthur, Shenango Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to John McArthur, Carrowreagh, Burt Parish, County Donegal, 4 November 1802

Shenango November the 4th 1802
Brother John
If these Comes to your hand they will inform you that I am in good health at present and has enjoyed the same since the last time I wrote you I have not Receiv’d any letters from Ireland this year as yet which prevented me from writing to the last moment We Received the letters sent in the Care of James Gamble and James Wark which was the latest account we have had from Ireland the linnen sent in Care of James wark I understand is lost he has not Come to this part of the Countrey as yet the last account I had of him he was in york County the hats I belive is save I do not know exactly how the linen was lost but report says it was when the passengrs arrived in this Country a number of them was sickly and was put into the hospitall<,> their goods being put into a store<,> and some of them<,> getting well before the rest<,> was able to make a start <and> took along with them the property of others and by doing so, Compleatly broke the last great precept of the Morall Law, which says you shall not Covet any thing that is thy Neighbours, But as there a Class of mankind which stoops below the dignity of the human specious in many respects as well as Cov<e>tiousness we need not wonder at such things, but just Conclude, that was the way <the> linnen went
Mr Gamble has been often telling me that he saw you diffrent times before he left that Country, and that you Could give him a very Good de<sc>ription of this part of the Country, which I was very Glad to Learn you was so well acquainted with the history of this new Country But as you mention that you have a desing in Coming to see this part of the world I think you will be able to give a more accurate account of it to your friends when you return, but Indeed Brother John, that is a Journey I Could not advise you to undertake, as it would be attended with a Considerable expence, the loss of time, and the danger of Crossing the seas, although if it was the Case that you were to Come to this Country I should enjoy as much happiniss in the visit as any person in the world, but I think if you Come to this Country you will not return in haste or at any rate not so soon as you expect, I know this was the Case with respect to myself when I Came to this Country I thought that Certainly I would be in Ireland before this time (But I am here yet) When a man settels in any Country it is not easy for him to rise up and embark for another when he pleases although he had a very Great mind to do it, and more so in this part of the world where the people are partly purchasing their Estate by Actual Settlement although the price of lands were very low in the first settling of this Country again the purchasor rec<k>ons all his Costs truble and expences it will stand him something Considerable and as he was by his Bargain to settle on the land he Could not omit living in the Country and that five years, But the first settlers of this Country has no reason to regret their Coming to this parts, although many are the disconveniences incident to the settling of a new Countrey as to my own part I entertain a very good oppinion of this part of the world and it appears the longer I live in it I like it the better this may be from the Rappid progress it makes in improveing which surpasses my first expectations very much there are severall natural advantages that the people of this part will enjoy, and receive Considerable benefits by and that of Navigation in particular although this is an inland Country and a great distance from the sea yet every farmer Can have a watter Carrage for every produce he has to dispose of very near him and a great many from their doors it would be too tedious for me at present to give you as de<s>criptive an account of this Countrey in General as I would wish to do therefore I shall Content myself to some other oppertunity as with respect to politcks I have nothing paticular to Mention at present only that the Republicans seem to bear the sway and Carry the elections by a great Majority both in this State and throughout the Union our present Government dismantled and Repealed several laws that seemed a grievance to the people the Sedition law Stamp act and excise law is entirely done away so the distiller Can work his Stills or let them stand idle as he pleases so much for the distillers and the Allien law Repealled in such amaner that a forienger who has been five years under the Jurisdiction of the United States and one of them years in the bounds of that State he now lives in by going forward to any Court of Record in the County he lives in and making the proofs requisite he shall be admited to take the oath of naturalization and have all the priviledges of a Citizen all this I have done So much for the poor Irish, that was Alliens and that of the worst kind, as the firm Federals allowd them to be I have followed Distilling this two seasons past a<nd> Intends to be at it again in a short time the Grain is not plenty enough in this new Country To Carry on the Distilling all the year but I Can Get as much as I Can Still in the winter season so I make allitle whiskey in the winter and farms alittle in the sumer and so makes out to live as well as my Neighbours you informed me you had not taken new leases which I think must be Good for you at present as I Understand Markets has taken a wonderfull turn of late it is perhaps a happy thing for <the> poor But how Can the farmer live that pays such a uncomon rent for his land and taxes high in proportion to the Rents My Father Mentioned to me that there was some of my honest old Neighbours speaking of me when the times was at the worst with them and that if I had been there I would be of use to them but If I had some of them here I Could be of more use to them than ever I had it in my power to be there and willing I would be to serve them if it lay in my power but likely that is what will never be but still I am glad to think I still have the good wish of my old acquantances Brother John I hope you will write every oppertunity as there is nothing more pleasing to me than hearing from you and the rest of my Relations and freinds in that part Joseph does not write as often I think as he might do and I wish you would tell him so I would write oftener But my oppertunity of Conveyance is not so good as I wish Brother Wm & And is both well Moses Scoot is well the Rankins & Wm lata and family is well in short all our Neighbours from your part of the Country is well Brother Wm Wm starts for the Sanate in a few Days he will forward these letters I expect by a save hand and he will have an oppertunity of writing frequently which I have Charged him not to neglect there is a Mr Willson a friend to the Rankins perhaps he will be the Bearer of these letters
Brother John I must draw to a Conclusion but it is for want of time and more Blank paper therefore I Beg to be excused for any Blunders or Bad writeing as there is not time to Coppy
Be so good as to remember me To my Father and jean Joseph Rebeca & Moses Scoot and Uncels & Aunts my Couzins in Burt and in short Give My best Respects to all my Frinds and Neighbours that wishes to inquire for me
So no more But Remains your
a[ffecti]onet Brother Robert McArthur

These for John McArthur