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Title: John Armstrong, Enniskillen to Christopher Armstrong, New York state
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileArmstrong, John/157
SenderArmstrong, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginEnniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, N.Ireland
DestinationNew York, USA
RecipientArmstrong, Alexander (not Christopher, notice heading)
Recipient Gendermale
Relationshipprob. brothers
SourceDocument T2125/7/3 PRONI Exhibition
ArchivePublic Record Office Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9406152
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 07:06:1994.
Word Count504
TranscriptJohn Armstrong,
Christopher Armstrong,
Millons Bay,
Jefferson County and State of New York,

Deare [Dear?] Alexander I take up my pen to rite [write?] a few
linse [lines?] to youse to let you know that we are all well and in
good health at present thanks be to god for all his mersay [mercy?]
to us Deare [Dear?] Alexander we sufered [suffered?] a greate
[great?] daile [deal?] of aflixons [afflictions?] this last 2 months
with the tipues fiver [typhus fever] mary took it and lay for 6
weeks there was no wone [one?] ever saw her thought that she
wouldent [wouldn't?] live I had 2 Docters [Doctors?] attending her
oanly [only?] for Docter [Doctor?] Eaten of trillick I think she
would have dyed [died?] her mother came to take care of her she
hadnt been so well in health for a number of years as when even she
came to our hous [house?] mary was a few days up when she took
the fever and she died on the 10th day after she took it she died
in our hous [house?] she died very happy in the Lord I slopt
[slept?] in the house all the time and the childer [children?] thaks
[thanks?] be to god we have escapit [escaped?] it I have gone to
the town to live for this witer [winter?] and if the Lord spairs
[spares?] us heath [health?] to the spring I'm am to go outh [out?]
to see your wonst [ones?] mou [now?] I hop [hope?] you will be kind
an ough [enough?] to send me som [some?] money if it was oanly
[only?] 5 or 6 pouns [pounds?] and I will pay you if live and be
spaird [spared?] to revaech [?] there worst moaro [morrow?] If you
doant [don't?] send it I need not expect it from my Mothers for
Chrisfer [Christopher?] soon forgot his promis [promise?] if youe
[you?] be afraid of me not going send the mony [money?] to Deavid
[David?] that of [if?] I doant [don't?] you that he may send it back
to youe [you?] agann [again?] I would wish to go a [-----?] the
first of march I would wish ( to have?) to be in early in the
spring. Rite [write?] as soon as this goes and lit [let?] me know
John Armstrong. B
Brother Deavid [David?] received your kind and [welcome letter?]
this day wish let us know that yous are all well Elizabeth Caden
returns you thanks for been so kind a friend to many she says it
will not be in her pourr [power?] to recompense you for it But she
will ofer [offer?] up a praire [prayer?] for you night and day for
youre [your?] well faere [welfare?] I have no moore [more?] to say
at present.
mary and I send oure [our?] love to you youse all and the Kindes
I send my[?] love to Alexander and to and all the family robert
and Elizabeth and Jams [James?] Liddy lete [Let?] Jams [James?] Lidd
([---- - -----?]) now lucke [luck?] to her a long [along?] with him