Title: | Eliza Fitzgerald, New York, to Mary Fitzgerald Cahill, Quebec. |
ID | 1049 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Fitzgerald, Eliza/17 |
Year | 1847 |
Sender | Fitzgerald, Eliza |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | seamstress |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | NYC, New York, USA |
Destination | Quebec, Canada |
Recipient | Fitzgerald Cahill, Mary |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | sisters |
Source | Emigrant letters of The Fitzgerald Family,Co.Tipperary, 1829-1907. Copyright Reserved by Edwina Goddard,750 San Fernando St., San Diego,CA 92106,USA. |
Archive | The Ulster American Folk Park |
Doc. No. | 9511038 |
Date | 06/06/1847 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 01:11:95. |
Word Count | 448 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Old Irish Letters Letter from Eliza Fitzgerald, New York City, New York,6 June 1847. To her sister, Mary Fitzgerald Cahill, Quebec, Lower Canada. Addressed: Mrs.Mary Cahill, Quebec, L.C. No postmarks. White paper in fair condition, with white embossed medallion "Paris", folded, creased, some tearing on edges and folds, sealed with red sealing wax. Addressed to Miss Mary Cahill, Quebec L C New York 6th June 1847 My Dear Sister It is-long since I put pen to paper to write to you nor endeed [indeed?] did I at one time even entend [intend?] to do so when seeing the neglect as perhaps contempt you have treated my letters with. Never was a sister so cruelly teated by all except my Dear Brother. He alone has been a comfort to me. He was taken suddenly ill last April and sent for me. I went to see him and spent a month with him very pleasantly. He told me he wrote several letters to you but they were like neglected. He is a very fine young man. He would be a comfort to his poor Mother if she could see him. He is quite as talented as my father and as much a Patriot. He said he was going to write to you. And now my Dear Sister I think its time I enquired [inquired?] how you and your husband and dear little ones was. I hope you are all enjoying the same Blessings of good health as these few lines leave me at present. I heard some time ago that my sister Judy was in Montreal. I should like to know her address if [D J?] could get it. (Page 2) My Dear Sister I am going next to the County to spend the summer. If you condecend [condescend?] to answer this it will be forwarded to me. I dont expect to be in the City before September. The weather has been very hot here at present. I hear often from you verbally as there is a great recourse of travelling between here and Canada. If Fox is at the Reylands tell him that Ann Kavanagh is very well. I had a letter from her last week. She is coming home from New Orleans. She has been the greatest comfort to me. She has supplied a sisters place for me. I thank God I never wanted for a friend since I came amongst strangers. I suppose my dear you will say that friendship is but momentary. No, I have found true and faithfull friends in every county and every creed. I hope you will excuse these few hasty lines as [Foster?] has called to let me know Mr. [Tims?] is going down and I thought I would embrace the opportunity and if you answer this I will write you a long letter next and let me know when you heard from home and my sister Judys address.I have not time to write any more. I shall conclude by sending my love to you and Michael and your children and all other friends. Your ever dear and affectionate sister Eliza (On next blank page) P.S. Direct to me No.5 College Place New York New y This letter is in the possession of Edwina T.Goddard (Mrs.W.R.Goddard). 750 San Fernando Street San Diego,California 92106 |