Title: | Emily Atthill, Fermanagh to Anne and Isabel [Weir?], USA |
ID | 105 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Atthill, Emily/43 |
Year | 1886 |
Sender | Atthill, Emily |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | schoolmistress |
Sender Religion | Protestant |
Origin | Co. Fermanagh, N.Ireland |
Destination | USA |
Recipient | Weir, Isabella |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | former teacher |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mrs Linda Weir, Tirmacspird, Lack,Co.Fermanagh, BT93 0SA |
Archive | The Ulster American Folk Park |
Doc. No. | 9906070 |
Date | 17/02/1886 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LTE |
Log | Document added by LT, 15:06:99. |
Word Count | 950 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Ardvarney House 17th Feb. 1886. Dear Anne and Isabel You must not think that I have forgotten my old pupils because I have not written since I got Isabels last letter. I have often thought of you both, and the other day desired cards to be sent to you both making you members of the Bible and Prayer Union to which I belong. You must tell me if you get them safely I think there is a branch office in the United States where another year you will be able to write for them if you keep the papers sent to you which gives all information. There are monthly notes or papers issued of which you will get a specimen copy, they are sometimes a help in studying our chapters as they give the leading subject They cost 1/- in the year if you like to take them you could write to the address on your card and enclose 1/- & ask them to be sent to you giving your address when writing clearly. Your cards I paid for when writing for my own, as you have to renew them every year. The way I do at the end of the year I ask for a new card and give my name and address, also old number on card and enclose 1 penny stamp for postage and card I have not been able to be down lately to see your Father and Mother, as the weather has been very severe we had snow for a month at least on the ground and a good deal of rain and frost between altogether a severe winter, but it is now nearly over. It looks more like spring, and people are ploughing already. I have been busy in our garden, among my flowers. I took your last letter to read to your people They were all well there I sometimes see Jane in church Mrs. Bratten lost a daughter since you left one of the youner ones old Mr. Law of Cairn is dead and old James Morrow of the church. Old Frank Evans of Lack was buried on Monday I daresay you knew who he was. Mrs Knox of Ederney is very poorly at present. She had a little one last year at the time she was very ill. it died and she has not been strong since. I daresay you heard of Mrs Irvines death Anne Knox, Mary Jane Knox's Sister who was in class with you. For her friends her death was sad for herself she was resigned to go and to her it was gain. You remember what St Paul says "To me to live is Christ and to die is gain." That ought to be our motto. to be like our Lord and master to follow Him & to think death gain as it will bring us into the presence of one who is our Life. I forget whether I told you of the Elections in my last letter. They were in November and we have elected for Fermanagh two Roman Catholics Parnalite [Parnellite?] members both. It is a great pity it should be so Mr Gladstone is Prime Minister again & is promising Home Rule which most protestants now see will be in the end Rome Rule as the Priests are now openly stirring up the people all over Ireland and God only knows how things will turn out but we must trust Him They can go no further than he permits. Sometime ago we heard that there had been lotteries at the Chapels about and most of the gentlemens and decent farmers places were sold to different Roman Catholics. They had tickets from 2/6 to œ10. Then the purchasers drew according to what they paid & the value of the places. [Some?] Maguire I hear has drawn our place. The ticket is to enable them to have the place when the right time comes as they say. When I suppose they drive us Protestants out of Ireland. They pretend in their speeches that they do not want to do so, but this looks as if they did intend to do it. Where ever we look there seems to be troubles in London last week there were great riots. windows broken shops entered by mobs of people & they stole & pitched the things about the streets. My Sisters are all away at present except Miss Dora. Miss Ada is at [Bellei--?] with Miss Porter. Miss Agnes still in France. Miss Winnie & Miss Matilda in London. Miss Atthill in Dublin our church was very nice this Xmas. I hope you both had a very Happy Xmas, though you were so far away from home Your last letter interested me very much, and I hope I will soon get another like it, as it was a pleasure to me. All my old scholars are gone and I have now a class of much smaller ones Your sister Jane got a prize and has gone into Mr. Williamsons class as also have Sarah Bratten and Mary Anne Creighton Will you tell me if Iron Mountain is anywhere near where you or Anne live? As I have a cousin living near that place a lady with four little daughters who went out last year. Anne must write to me and tell me how she is getting on and I would like to know that you were both happy and well. You must be lonely now being away from each other. We must remember that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord. Now with very kindest remembrances to you both. Ever your sincere friend and old teacher Emily Atthill |