Title: | E L Ballantine, Philadelphia, USA to J A Smyth, Ontario |
ID | 113 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Ballantine, E. L/9 |
Year | 1906 |
Sender | Ballantine, Emily L. |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Philadelphia, Penn., USA |
Destination | Essex, Ontario, Canada |
Recipient | Smyth, James Alexander |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, castledamph@btinternet.com |
Archive | Mr & Mrs J Smyth |
Doc. No. | 505018 |
Date | 19/11/1906 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 12:05:2005. |
Word Count | 194 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | [Front of Envelope] Mr. Jas. A. Smyth, Essex, Ontario Canada [Stamped] PHILADELPHIA NOV 20 1906 PA. [Back of Envelope] [Stamped] ESSEX NO 22 06 ONT. [Written over Envelope] If not delivered in ten days Return to- 2346 Catherine St E. L.Ballantine Phila. [Philadelphia?] Pa. [Pennsylvania?] [Page 1] Philadelphia Dear Mr Smyth, I thought this Evening I would take some time to write you a few lines to learn what had become of you. We have often wondered why we never heard from you while across the water and also [Page 2] if you had returned to this country again, so I am writing this letter not knowing if it will reach you or not. We would be very pleased to hear how you enjoyed your trip and all about it, also if you had any sucess [success?] with your pictures and how they turned out. [Page 3] We were very sorry your visit here was such a short and extremely hot one, I do not think during all the remainder of the summer that we had such a day as the day you were here. My brother is still in Chicago, we expect him ov [over?] at Christmas for a week, and we [Page 4] hope that you can arrange to visit us again, when you can stay longer and we can show you some of our town and its pleasures. Trusting that your trip has been a benefit to you, I remain, Very sincerely Emily L Ballantine 11/19/06. 2346 Catherine St Transcribed by Greg Floyd |