Title: | N.Gibbons, Roxbury, Boston, to [R.Moore?] [Carndonagh?] [Donegal?] |
ID | 1159 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Gibbons, Neil/39 |
Year | 1898 |
Sender | Gibbons, Neil |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Boston, Mass., USA |
Destination | Ireland |
Recipient | Moore, Robert? |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends? |
Source | T 2799/1/23: Photocopied by Courtesy of Mrs R. Moore |
Archive | Public Record Office, Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9501035 |
Date | 14/07/1898 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT/JW, 05:01:1995. |
Word Count | 184 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Replaced on [2nd?] August to say those was only [i---zr] down to [May?] 98 Jim Roxbury 14 July 1898 Dear Sir I received your letter a few days ago and I was very glad to see everything is all right at home I intend soon to do some repairs to house I see you want to give up taking Change of house I would like you would remend [remain?] for a little while to I write and find out from my sister and then I will write and tell you I received [19?] pound in letter one year half rent I though- [thought?] the [there?] were two year- [years?] rent due. by the old papers we have time [here?] fighter at war but I think it not last [long?] Spain is about given up the were a lot of American- [Americans?] killed as well as Spainards [spaniards?] the [they?] are great fittes [fighters?] we must say times here is not so good since war the not [there is not?] much a doing at present time and will be so to ever [every?] thing is all settled excuse my writing I am not much of [a?] hand at it Yours turly [truly?] Neil Gibbons Address n Allegharry Roxbury Buston [Boston?] |