Title: | [James?] Banks Reford, New Jersey to Aunt [Reford, Antrim?]. |
ID | 124 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Banks Reford, James/65 |
Year | 1899 |
Sender | Banks Reford, James |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | merchant |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA |
Destination | Co. Antrim, N. Ireland |
Recipient | Reford, Matilda |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | nephew-aunt |
Source | T 3028: Permission to copy from W. Reford Esq., 81 Islandmagee Road, Whitehead, Co. Antrim. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9405001 |
Date | 05/11/1899 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 27:04:1994. |
Word Count | 474 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | To: His Aunt [Anne or Matilda Reford?], [Antrim?], [County Antrim?], [Ireland?]. From: J. [James?] Banks Reford, 184 Midland Avenue, N.J. [New Jersey?], [U.S.A.?] Nov 5 1899 Dear Aunt, Your letter of August 14th was duly received, and I owe you an apology for my long delay in answering. Time slips fast, and I had no idea it was so long. And being busy, and sitting on the porch during the fall evenings. I didn't though often Eunice and I have spoken of you and my pleasant visit to you. Eunice was quite desirous I should [------?] my trip, but I could not see my way clear to do so. I was pleased to hear from you, and that you were keeping up, in spite of your many years. We are all well. I have had very poor spells, during the summer but am now feeling quite myself again. We have had peculiar weather. It froze ice with us the nights of Oct 1-2 & 3 We generally have a [slight?] frost about the 5 to the 10th. And then it comes fine for 4 or 5 weeks. Before the frost kills. But this year all my flowers were cut down. Since the 1st of October, we have had very pleasant - and at times hot weather. To night [Tonight?] it looks like snow. We can now make up our minds for winter weather. No word from Belfast yet. I had [Mr?] Wylie down to see me. He came in to take in the Yatch [Yacht?] race. Hoping to see the Shamrock win, but the day he went down there was no race. Which was on a Saturday, and he could not wait until Sunday so he went home. I would have liked to have seen the "Shamrock" make a better showing. I can't say I would have liked to have seen her win. The action of Sir Thomas Lipton has made me many friends. And I told the boys, (since his coming) We Irish in this country are judged by the masses of the immigrants that have come from Ireland the past 20 or more years, and many of our so called Americans had an idea that they were a fair type of all the dwellers of the Green Isle. But Sir Thomas Shewed [showed?] himself a true sport and a Gentleman. When he comes again he will be received, with a warmth that no one from your side, could approximate, He caused as much enthusiasm, as our hero, Admiral Dewey. I regret the war you have on hand, may it speedily end; and the lives of your brave young men be spared, to their country and familes. How bitter we thought a year ago, that England would be in war. Our war drags along. But from present indications this Government will pusue [pursue?] a [vigorous?] [campaign?] from now on. Trusting this will find you in good health and love from all. Your loving nephew. J. [James?] Banks Reford. |