Title: | William Henry, Derrydrummock, to Brother [James Henry?]. |
ID | 1423 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Henry, William/32 |
Year | 1841 |
Sender | Henry, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | farm tenant |
Sender Religion | Protestant |
Origin | Derrydrummock, Co. Down, N.Ireland |
Destination | |
Recipient | |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | T 1476: Copied by Permission of Mrs H.M. Gilmore, Belfast #TYPE LET Copy of Letter From William Henry, Derrydrummock, to Brother [James Henry?], 12 April 1841. |
Archive | Public Record Office, Northern Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9005201 |
Date | 12/04/1841 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | 22:05:1990 JMR created 05:08:1991 SE input 05:08:1 |
Word Count | 921 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Copy of letter written 12th April 1841 Derrydrummuck 12th April 1841 Dear Brother. I have received your very kind letter and has paid particular attention to what you say. I do not think I could clear very much more than the rent and the Interest of the money. If I had the land. The rent is at present 32 Shillings per acre I do not think it would be higher if the Lease was done. There is none of Lord Downshire's land that is out of Lease that is getting at more than 32 Shillings at the present time. It is not with the view of making very much off the Farm, that induced me to look after it, was bringing it nearer our own house, and selling two other farms that lay far off. The lease is about twenty years taken out it is a son of Rector Hamilton's that is the life of it, he is a man of about forty years of age. I am convinced that Interest of money would do me more good. than buying more land, when everything is taken into consideration. If there is alterations in the Corn Laws there is no doubt of land being cheaper and produce of all kinds being lowered. I fear very much that they will make some alteration, that will be very much against the Farmer. So that when we look into everything and run the risk of land getting cheaper, and all other expenses that attends it, such as cultivation, drawing grain to market, paying servants wages, and keeping up farm utensils, and then after all if we have a bad crop, it puts us two or three years back in the world When we consider all these things. I will put all thoughts of it out of my head, and subsist with the inconvenience of our other Farms. The time that Archy went out to America Samuel was over in Ireland at that time, I said to him. did he not think it would be well for me to sell off everything and go out to America with Archy that I would have better prospects there, than I would have in this country the answer that he made to me was to content myself where I was, that while ever he had I should never want, I have got our houses made very comfortable here, and has also good office houses, after laying so much money out on them I would think it a pity to let any one enjoy them; poor Archy never got to his journey's end, and Mr King who was son-in-law to my Uncle Robert Henry went out to Australia last year, what was the consequence, he died on his passage going, and the family was left desolate in a strange land, and what would have become of Archy's children had it not been for his friends. That farm of land that my Father left Archy's children of twelve acres, if I may say out of lease, the man who is the life of it, is not expected to live many days, my brother Robert was another life of the lease, but we never hear anything of him whatever. I feel grateful to you for your kind propasal in saying you would not forget me if you had your affairs settled, I hope you are getting your business wound up to your satisfaction. I am sorry to inform you that Alexander's wife is not expected to recover from her complaint, the Doctors say that she may continue in her weak state for some weeks to come; but that no hopes of her recovery may be entertained. I am very sorry for it, she was very kind and attentive to me. it will be a great loss to her husband and family. Alexander's oldest son is living in London as Barrister-at-law, there is two of them in the Warehouse with himself, and the other boy is going on for a surgeon, his oldest daughter is married and living in London, and now you wish me to let you know what is the meaning of the O'Connell and repeal fuss means. It just means this, that they [the?] Catholics want the Parliament back to Dublin, and if possible, to have a Papish government, since they got the Emancipation bill carried, they have got papists into Parliament, to represent County's and Boroughs, but now these Repeal meetings are illegal. O'Connell and a good many others, are now standing their trial for disturbing the peace of the county, and getting the people into a state of dissatisfaction. with government and the laws of the land, but how it may yet end is very hard to know. I hope as you were saying in your letter you would hear something of Joseph this winter when the legislators would meet If we could only hear that he was living it would give us great comfort to hear from him. Dear James, if you could only bring your- self [yourself?] to think of coming over to see us, what satisfaction would it be to us to see you. My mother always lives in the hopes of seeing some of you before she dies. try what you can do. I have given you every information respecting our family that I could. We are all well here, my Mother has her health as well as could be expected at her time of life. she is now into her eighty-ninth year They all send their love with me to you write me James. I remain your affection [affectionate?] broth [brother?] William Henry |