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Title: [Becky?] [?] Newtownstewart, to Bella Smyth, Castledamph.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginNewtownstewart, Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland
DestinationPlumbridge, Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland
RecipientSmyth, Bella M.
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceCopyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, castledamph@btinternet.com
ArchiveMr & Mrs J Smyth
Doc. No.505049
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 25:05:2005.
Word Count808
Transcript[Front of Envelope]
Miss B. Smyth


[Back of Envelope]
[Hand written]
Rec [Received?] Dec 6th
MS [Mary Smyth?]
[Page 1]


My dear Bella,
I wonder
what has come over
you - you never think
[sic] worth your while
to write to me at all
Maybe I am in the [at?]
fault still I don't
know. Often & often

[Page 2]
we think, & speak of
you all. I know your
Father did not keep
his promise, he, was to
bring all you girls down
this past Summer. & here
we have December. & still
you's [sic] have never
come & Mother often speaks
of him not coming & we
seen [sic] him down
at the laying of the
foundation stone
& could not get a word
he was in such a hurry

[Page 3]
Now truly, Mother wishes
me to say, she is very
much displeased with
your father, & all of
you for not trying to
come up when you are
in town. & then, Tom &
Jamie McNichol [McNicholl?],
down the Sunday night of
the Gunpowder plot sermon
& he never thought worth
while [worthwhile?] to speak
to me & actually I never seen
one of them nor knew of them
been down till Armour convinced
me that he was speaking to both.

[Page 4]
Now I will scold no more it is
useless I fear, still I have
that much faith in Willie
that I think he would come up.
specially “if “Mary was at home”
which she will be we trust
soon. Could you's [sic] not
manage down the next Moonlight
even on a Sunday we have service
every other Sunday Night & you
could go & hear Mr. Morton
who is well worth hearing.
We were all very proud of
our Minister that Saturday
we said that he, was
the best speaker what
did your father say,”

[Page 5]
I am sure he thought him,
a change from Mr Steen,
dear save us, I would not
go far to hear him speak
on a platform,
We have a nice meeting
to-morrow night Missionary
addresses from the
Rev Mr Shillidy [Shilliday?]
& Mr Beattie illustrated
by lime-light views of their
Jewish travels & Indian Customs.
We have any amount of
Meetings now & Soirees we
were at two about a week
ago which were very good
& who did I see but Maggie

[Page 6]
McKernan whom, I was glad
to see she was telling me
about L. [Lizzie?] Dunbar &
J [John?] McFarland - poor Bella-
I wont mention it I know how
you must feel it Did John
let his beard grow again if
he did not I can't imagine
how he proposed to Lizzie
We have [just in?] in at present
Jamie Dunbar Sarah’s boy, or,
the one who used to be & Jerry
Robert Jack Annie & he are
all sitting playing loved,
courted, proclaimed & married
& they are so noisy I can't
write a bit it is played
with cards & is very funny.

[Page 7]
they wanted me to have a
hand but I preferred writing
to you I say I only need the
[fourth?] touch now to finish
me &, I am waiting patiently
to hear of you or Liza doing
something soon I suppose
you are too wise what about
Tilda [Matilda?] Gilby is she
still living single or what about
Andy Ballentine [Ballantine?],
his brother lost the public house
at least the -licence- I do
hope he will we have far too
many –pubs-. M. McKernan got
a few good temperance lectures
at the Soiree I was wishing
she could do some good in the
Plum-bridge [Plumbridge?].

[Page 8]
did you’s [sic] hear
William Anderson's land
was sold & such a price
Jerry on [sic] gave on bid
it went 270£ of course we had
the upper farm before John
still holds on to his & their
[there?] is some talk of William
marrying or taking up with
a girl in town not a very
good sort but I suppose good
enough for him. They leave their
old home. stead [homestead?] at the
New Year. Such are the Ups & Downs
in life my dear. You will hear
all the news when you come down
& I want you to write & tell us
just straight if or when you's [sic]
will come I expect an answer soon.
Remember me to all my friends you
know & your Father, Mother,
Willie Tom Liza John Mary & dear
we [wee?] Willie John bring him
to [too?] as Mother wants to see
him & last but not least yourself
from your old chum Beck. [Rebecca?]

[Note on Page 1]
I forgot to say Mary is right well
& has a splendid school 43. last day
she wrote & good times. excuse all
mistakes from your old friend
Beck. [Rebecca?] We have the
soiree for the Union S. [Scripture?]
School on the 15th of this month the
Hall is going up rapidly I hope
Castledamph Lodge will send
a good subscription in for it.

Transcribed by Julie Simms