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Title: Henry Johnston, Loughbrickland, Ireland to Moses Johnston,Pennsylvania.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileJohnston, Henry/47
SenderJohnston, Henry
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender ReligionProb. Protestant
OriginLoughbrickland, Co. Down, N.Ireland
DestinationPennsylvania, USA
RecipientJohnston, Moses
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT 3578/1: Deposited by Mrs. Henriette Gerwity
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, N. Ireland
Doc. No.9408007
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 21:07:1994.
Word Count881
TranscriptLBland [Loughbrickland?] 20th April 1773 three
Dear Brother}
I see your letter to my Brother John wrote [written?] immediately
afteryour landing; as also I received yours to my self dated in Novemb
[November?] and myself my Family and in A word all your Acquaintance in this
place _ are very happy to hear of your safe Arrival with your Family out of
A _ Land of Slavery into A Land of Liberty and freedom and the more so as
this Kingdom is much worse than it was even when you left it; Trading
of all sorts and in all Branches [sic] Growing worse; and every day opens a
new prospect of woe and misery; I need not tell [sic] that Land is out of
measure in high Rents and Tyths [Tithes?], Wool and Woolen Goods [sic]
excessive [excessively?] high on Account
of the Wooll [wool?] being Transported from hence to France; in Butter Casks _
and other such ways as can be projected; which practice laves [leaves?]
numbers _ of our Industrious poor without work in the West part of Ireland
- and in that part where Thousands ware [were?] formarly [formerly?] employed
Manafacturing [Manufacturing?] our Wool; they are now without work _ And as
for our North they are still worse; one unlucky accident after another, has
set very sore on us; in - the first place, the Flourishing State of our Linnen
[linen?] Manafacture [Manufacture?] for many years past Raised the price of
Lands in the North of this _ Ireland to A monstrous pitch; which while Trade
flourish'd the poor would Easily pay, these Rents are yet Expected by our
Landlords The Trade is now sunk to A very low Ebb; The first heavy stroak
[stroke?] we got was; by Lord< Donegall, who its thought carried away one
Hundred Thousand pounds of our ready Specie [Species?], then the Failure of
Foroice & Company Bankers of London; Just before our June Market last;
spoiled it Entirely [--?] [September?] market better and the December one
[was?] worse. I was in the Hall for 15 Days and could scarcely see any man
to look on A Piece of Linnen [linen?]; in concequence [consequence?] of which
Very Few Men was [able?] to buy A Brown Webb; which makes many of our Bleach
Goods Idle not one singe [single?] piece in them; what it will Turn to
God only knows; but at present looks very Ill; Failures alway [always?]
[happening?] the other day St George Colebrook & Company Bankers
of London stopt [stopped?] payments Davis & Ginnings [Marcht?] of Dublin
[William?] Wallace of Belfast and numbers more - 12 Hundred webbs
(The Rest of This Page Has Been Torn)

One thing indeed is very happy for us Victualing [Victualling?] is Low
Potatoes from 6s to 10d per Bushel and very plenty; Oat meals from 9 to 10
Shillings per Hundred Butter at 5s per Lb. Flour is highest; our County of
Louth Flour sells at 17 to 10s/6d per Hundred in Newry Market; Best Slain or
Haylands at 19s per H.d [Hundred?] and 13 Casks of America [American?] Flour
which wae all that I hear of coming into Newry this season; solds [sold?] to
the Baker I deal with at 19s 6 per [--?] Flax seed selling at 7s 6d to [8?]
the Bushel _ The Hearts of Oak Steel
Gold or what ever you please to call to call them are all Quiet; some few was
[tried?] in Carrickfergus and Down; and all acquit Except four or five _
whose crimes was Felony and suffered; but all that was taken for the
[Roick?] at Gilford was transmitted to Dublin, and took their trial there
which was well for them; the Citizans [Citizens?] was very kind to them when
in Goal; and on trial Every Soul was acquit [acquitted?] _ Its now time
to turn to Family affairs; Thank God Weare [we're?] all in Tolerable Good
health Dav'd married about the time you sail'd to [W.?] Robinsons Daughter
Bob and [Ian?] Young are well; as is Hugh Cupples and Family; His son
James is the Person by whom I send these in the Ship Needham
Capt'n Chevers, I shall send you another Letter by the Ship Minerva
Capt'n Mc Cullough lest one should miscarry , there is Ileven [Eleven?] Ships
Intended to sail from Newry and Belfas [Belfast?] for Philadelphia and
Newcastle this Spring;I hear Brother John wrote to you by Capt'n Mc Cullough
from Belfast who sail'd 15 days since. I hope you will not forget
to write when opportunity serves; if to Belfas [Belfast?] [------?] to me to
the care of Mr. Thomas Sinclaire, if to Newry to the care of Mr. [Gio?]
Anderson I hope Dear Moses (tho [though?] you have changed your nativity for
a strange Land) You will be very carefull [sic] to remember that Kind and
mercifull [sic] God who has Created and preserved you; whose Goodness you
have - seen displayed in a Clear manner; in your preservation in your
late Voyage, be carefull [sic] to repent of your Sins and with all your Heart
and soul turn unto the Lord: set a Good and Religious Example
to your wife and Children knowing that there is no repentance in the
Grave. Iam Dear [Brother?] [Yours till?] Death
Henry Johnston