Title: | J. Bell Smyth, Quebec, to "My Dear Bischoff", [London?]. |
ID | 157 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Bell Smyth, J/53 |
Year | 1854 |
Sender | Bell Smyth, J. |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | businessman |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Quebec, Canada |
Destination | unknown |
Recipient | Bischoff |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends/ business partners? |
Source | D.2433/B/20/14: Deposited by the Trustees of The Caledon Estate. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9601030 |
Date | 19/07/1854 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | Document added by LT, 20:12:95. |
Word Count | 400 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Copy Quebec 19 July 1854 My Dear Bischoff, We are getting on slowly but I trust surely at Marmora and were most fortunate in securing the temporary services of Mr Smith who was here a few days ago and Burstall and I went fully into matters with him He now returns and will find Morgan and Hugh there and will give them all the advantage of his far seeing for securing experience in a new Country. With œ25,000 additional Capital he thinks he would clear 4 [op Ct?] annually but with our œ5000 by proceeding modestly he will do well and eventually be in a thriving condition. You will be glad to hear we have got a letter from the Provincial Secretary stating our Certificate is satisfactory to the Governor General so that all that now remains to be done is to have a Board & frame Bye Law which will be done on 9. Sept The Notice is enclosed - Mr Simpson sold out his Stock to Anderson Evans & Co Mr Smith thinks he will have 300 tons of Pig Iron ready by next Jany [January?] or Feby [February?]. and our immediate outlay will not be greater than we can command and Mr Bell the Patent to be transferred by me to the new Company with the Patent for the Water Lot on Belleville which we hope to sell for œ2000 The lots of Land are on course of progress for Patent and we paid œ47 on account of the same so that when complete they will be also conveyed all is in order but this unfortunate dissolution of Parliament frustrates all Burstall and I think well of paying off the last instalment to Ross and on Oct 7 may value on all the English Shareholders to fall due on the 1st May for their last instalment The utmost unaminity of action between Burstall, Le [Messener?] Dubord & myself exists and tomorrow I hope to hear Mr Evans approves of what we have done but till our Board is formed Burstall and I are in a manner compelled to take a good deal on ourselves Be so good as pay Mr Burstall for Printing and send us your a/c. [account?] which will be promptly attended to. Show this to Mr Matthews Mr Cazenove and probably Lord Caledon would like to see it as well as Mr Gould & Mr Coxe and Believe me Yours very faithfully J Bell Smyth |