Title: | Prudence & John Love, Banbridge, Co.Down, to Robert Love, Virginia |
ID | 1638 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Love, John Jr and Prudence/115 |
Year | 1821 |
Sender | Love, John and Prudence |
Sender Gender | male-female |
Sender Occupation | farmers |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Banbridge, Co. Down, N.Ireland |
Destination | Petersburg, Virginia, USA |
Recipient | Love, Robert |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | siblings |
Source | T2393/2/20: Presented by Messers Heron & Dobson, Solicitors, Banbridge, Co.Down |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9503184 |
Date | 05/05/1821 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | Document added by LT, 21:03:1993. |
Word Count | 529 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | John Love 5 May 1821 To: Robert Love care of Messers Peters & Tufts Petersburgh Virginnia Banbridge May the 5th 1821 Dr [Dear?] Brother As we have an opportunity of sending by Pittsburgh, and willing to embrace the offer, I write to you, we are all in health at present, (thanks be to God) as I hope you are also. We have had a busy time of it these last three weeks, by taking a old gate of [off?], and and putting one on that will suffer a cast to come into the Yard, removing dung pit and pig house, and building them further down in the garden, we have also put a wall about four feet high across the garden, which seperates [separates?] garden and yard, we have also put out our Manure and has men soding at potatoes this last week, John Bell junior is dead, and George Bright in three days sickness, there is a pork Market now in town, which is a great help to the Market, Stewart Gray is Weigh Master in town, On Easter Monday Night some persons brake [broke?] Charles McConville's windows, there is great work about it in town, they have got warrants against William McClelland, David Patterson, John McVity [McVitty?] and several others, we will know what will be the consequence in the course of a week. Jane Sloan is married to a ship carpenter, and now resides at Warrenpoint, Patrick Heyland is living in the house next to Samuel Glass, Mrs Helly has set up a Milliners shop, Jane is coming on very well with them, Robert Glass and Pat intends writing to you, Give all our love to Mr Riddle and mention him and Mr Murry in your next, Mr Murry's family is well, We get a paper called the Irishman weekly, it is a real radical paper, the King and Queen intends visiting Ireland this summer. I must now leave off writing as Prudence intends finishing Mrs Sands is at the counter while I am writing and desires me to give her, and the family's love to you. no more at present but remains your loving Brother John Love Junior My Dear Brother I hope these [fiew?] few lines will find you in the enjoyment of health and peace & hope you still continue to like your adopted country and that you are contented with your situation let no foolish whim cause you to give up a comfortable place strive to subdue your haughty temper be humble and teachable and it shall be well with you I hope Mr MaHood and you find each other agreeable companions remember us all to him tell him his people are thinking much long to receive a letter from him Your G'mother and Aunt Jane sends there kind love to you J. Laverys family have had a sevare [severe?] turn of the fever but are all geting [getting?] better the cherry tree you planted in the hedge is in bloom and all the apple trees but one I think we will have a deal of fruit in some years I hope we shall yet [have?] pleasure of seeing you be sure and write every oper [opportunity?] Farewell my Dear Brother the Lord bless you and [torn] you now and evermore Prudence Love |