Title: | William Bingham Co. Down, to Andrew Bingham New Brunswick. |
ID | 173 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Bingham, William/134 |
Year | 1823 |
Sender | Bingham, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | farmer |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Co. Down, N.Ireland |
Destination | New Brunswick, Canada |
Recipient | Bingham, Andrew |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | T 1332: Copied by Permission of the Ulster Scot. Hist. Soc. Room 151,Law Court Building, Belfast 1. #TYPE Let William Bingham, Barnamaghery, Co. Down, to Andrew Bingham, Eldbilo [New Brunswick], Canada, 1823. |
Archive | Public Record Office N. Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 8850010 |
Date | 15/05/1823 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | 22:09:1988 Lt created 28:11:1988 PG input 11:01:19 |
Word Count | 1547 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Bamamaughrey May the 15th 1823. Dear Brother these few lines comes with our kind love to you to let you know that we are all in the land of the living yet thanks be to God for all his Mercies towards you and us. This is the second letter that I have wrote to you this season I sent one away in the letter [latter?] end of Aprile [April?] which I enformed [informed?] you in it that your Aunt Mary was dead and how that uncel [uncle?] Andrew had taken the big hill from [?] Robert before he had the crop of wheat off it that he sowed on it which grived [grieved?] our mother so much that she grew very bad and we thought that she would die we had to sit up with her for two weeks but thank God she is got better and is only able to sit up at the fire yet I enlarged more upon this subject in my other letter which I [?] you get it you will have a clearer account of the transactions concerning the big hill. Dear Brother we are all very much [?] that you do not write much [more?] oftner [often?] to us last year when Robert Mance arived [arrived?] with your sent a letter to his father-in-law which give us to know that you and your family were all in good health at that time and it came safe and soon so we think if you would take the truble [trouble?] on yourself of writing of [liner?] and sending your letter by hand with any person the [they?] will not give them selves any truble [trouble?] about forwarding them till the [they?] be too long wrote the last letter we got it for fifteen or sixteen months after it was wrote. When Robert Munce went away from this Contry [country?] last year your Mother sent with him forteen [fourteen?] yards of [?] for [?] to your bed and also two shirts and two touls [towels?] and Neely [Neron?] sent two [ruffels?] for you two daughters one to each of them and I sent my self three yards of aleven [eleven?] hundred [shirteen?] for a shirt to your son William. Now we have got know [no?] word from you whither [whether?] you got those articles from Alonce or not therefore you must write as soon as ever this comes to your hand and let us now wither [whether?] you got them or not If he has not give them to you you must go to him and make him give them up. I send this with John McCratney a son of Samuels you know lived beside John Murdocks he has sold his land to William Murdock a son of John Murdocks John McCratney he has a wife sister to Thomas Robinson which you know lives in New York the [they?] have six children he intends going your lenth [lenght?] if he cannot fall in with a form of land before he reach you but if he comes your lenth [length?] I hope you will give yourself some truble [trouble?] in helping him to get a plantation as convenient to yourself as possible and if it be a thing that he goes your lenth [length?] he can tell you far more about this contry [country?] than I could put in a letter he is going by way of Quebec and Montreal I mentioned in my last letter to you concerning Mr Gambles land if it was Doctors Gambles friend that took out the land his name was George Gamble so if you would go to the land agents office and see if it was George name that was in for it then it would of course belong to Doctor Gambles people but if not there is Ralf Gamble which you may remember living in old Dick Murreys [Murray?] he had three brothers that listed in the army and was sent to north America and none of them ever came home their names was William and Hugh and Samuel so if you can find out that it is any of those names I have mentioned you must send one [?] word and then I will go and see about if for if I can publish it from the right owner I think there would be little truble [trouble?] in putting John Cherry out of it as I could [?] barrister from Raffrey with one which would not be much to his praise. We have had a very severe winter of frost and snow more snow this winter than we had the last three winters and we have a very cold Spring and crops look very [blate?] the meal is looking up last Saturday it was 13s per hundred in Downpatrick Market and all winters it was only from nine to ten shilings [shillings?] the potates [potatoes?] is from threepence to 6 pence per bushel and has been so all winter fresh meat is and was all winter for one peny [penny?] per pound to four pence and pork was from [10s?] to 33 shillings per hundred the [?] America this season in 4 per [peck?] and Duch Seed is 7 to 8s per [peck?] the America Seed is out of [?] with us now it was not half so well as the Duch. Dear Brother this is to inform you that the Reverond [Reverend?] Moses Nelson which Baptised [baptised?] you only died the 23rd of April [april?] last his funeral sermon was preached last sabath [sabbath?] day the 11th instant he was 84 years of age and he was in our parish 56 years he is replaced by one of his sons named Arthur who has been asisting [assisting?] him this 8 or 9 years he had three sons Ministers and two sons Doctors but one of the ministers named William is dead he was the fourth son and he was alowed [allowed?] to be the best learned man in the three Kingdoms he was ordained Presbytarien [Presbyterian?] Minister of Dundalk in the year 1797 and when the College [college?] for learning and making ministers was Established in Belfast in the year 1818 he was called to it and apointed [appointed?] the Head Master but he only enjoyed it only three years to he died which was a great loss to the Collage [College?] for the [they?] could not get one that would the same taske [task?] in hand again so that they had to place two in his birth. Dear Brother since I begun to write this letter I have got word that Ritchard [Richard?] Coats of Raffrey had got an acount [account?] of the word which you sent us about John Cherry Sittins down in Mr Gambles land and about him being tried at the aisises [assizes?] for stealing sheffer the same account which you sent Robert Munce sent it in the letter that he sent to his father-in-law but however Cherrys friend has got all the account of his transactions which he has comited [committed?] in your part of the contry [country?] which you mentioned Now Sir I would advise you to be on your gard [guard?] for fear of him doing you on [I'll?] turn for Dick Coats has sent away a letter to him letting him know the account that you and Robert Munce has sent to this contry [country?] about him so you must be on your gard [guard?] for it he gets Dick Coats letter then he will blame you and Robert Munce for sending the accounts about him here and a worse man not him and his brother-in-laws cannot be. As soon as this comes to your hand you must write a clear description about him and do what you can about Gambles land for Mr Gamble says if the land was taken out by his uncle George he would far rather any person had it [?]John Cherry or any of his conections [connections?]. Dear brother [John?] say no more about it but we all wish from our hearts that you may receive no damage from the Cherrys for them that would steal would [?] [?] may the Lord preserve you all and be you gard [guard?] You must let us know what sort of timber grows on your land and how you make the sugar and how you get the salt and what price its you surely make use of a great deal of it when you have to give so much of it to the Cattle and how you measure your land or how often you can crop it before you let it lie out to grase [graze?] Dear Br I add no more but that you may let Robert Munce know that his friends is all in good health and your Mother thinks now when your family some of them is [fare?] on to be men and women that you might take a trip over and see us all you could do it all in the summer half year both come and go if you do I am sure some of us will go back with you. All of us wishes to be remembered to your wife and family. No more at present but remains your Brother till Death William Bingham. To the Care of Mr Bolton York town uper [upper?] Canada. For Andrew Bingham in Stobicco Township British America. |