Title: | W Montgomery, New Orleans to Joseph M. Seawright, Philadelphia |
ID | 1836 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Montgomery, William/52 |
Year | 1848 |
Sender | Montgomery, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | Protestant |
Origin | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Destination | Philadelphia, Penn., USA |
Recipient | Searight, Joseph |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | cousins |
Source | D 2794/1/2/31:[Letter 2] Presented by H.H. Montgomery , Kensington Gardens, Belfast 5. |
Archive | The Public Record Office Northern Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9504114 |
Date | 30/12/1848 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 23:04:1995. |
Word Count | 265 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | [Envelope addressed to] 10 [Cents?] Mr. Joseph M. Seawright 1 Light St. [Street?] Philadelphia Pa [Pensylvania?] Wm. Thompson Jany [January?] 1st 1849 New Orleans December 30th 1848 My dear Joe Annexed you have a letter which if you think necessary you may either transmit to uncle Joe or make a copy & do so. I do not think he has any justification of doing as he says but it would not be any harm to put him right on these points. I think a Lunatic Asylum would be the fittest place for him to end his days in - I would like to see the newspaper card about Mapey if you could send me one. I have had one letter from home since the middle of Sep [September?] so if they complain about six weeks I have more to shout about I hope however my regular correspondence will soon be revived and continue unbroken. By the way I should like to know who Miss Curran is married to. Poor John Kernhan I am sorry for him as I believe him to be an upright man and would like to know the pros & cons of his case. His son Wm [William?] is in Louisville Ky [Kentucky?] & I hope he will do well. There was not much fear of my going to the "gold diggings" & I suppose when I next hear from home I will be told of all sorts of anxiety & alarm respecting this Cholera is very bad here consequently a miserable state of affairs as far as business is concerned Winnie to direct to Mepis $ 8260 wishing your Phil [Philadelpia?] friends all the compliments of the season I believe me to remain your affectionate cousin W Montgomery |