Title: | Wilson Moore, Oaklands, Kansas, to Robert Moore, Co. Donegal |
ID | 1888 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Moore, Wilson/3 |
Year | 1887 |
Sender | Moore, Wilson |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | farmer |
Sender Religion | Protestant |
Origin | Kansas, USA |
Destination | Co. Donegal, Ireland |
Recipient | Moore, Robert |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | T2799/1/9: Presented by Mrs R. Moore, Ireland |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9503086 |
Date | 05/02/1887 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 15:03:1995. |
Word Count | 1527 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Oaklands Ellsworth Feby [February?] 5 1889 My Dear Robert I had intended writing you long ago but I was about purchasing some property and I was waiting to be able to give you the particulars Mr Houston of Newton Cunningham and I bought a very nice block in the corner of Douglas Avenue and first street it consists of a very large basement which lets at 15 dollars a month as an undertakers shop and furniture store. there is a splendid drapers shop opening on Douglas Avenue which lets at 60 Dollars a month. There is a fine saddlers shop let at 15 Dollars a month a Cigar shop let at 12 1/2 dollars a month and an Attorney's office let at 12 1/2 dollars a month all paid in advance and all good tenants it cost us 8500 Dollars I should think it pays us good interest it pays us 115 dollars a month it is a fine Brick building the basement being built with stone and plastered with cement we had some little trouble about getting it in this way the property here is nearly all sold by Brokers or Real Estate Agents and after we bought and paid a deposit the owner wanted to draw out I believe he could have done better but the agent wanted us to hold on or he would loose [lose?] his Commission the Wife must sign the Deed as well as the husband and she would not do it but we held on and last she gave in and we are all good friends now and we have got the first rent. I sent some papers that the sale was in I didn't send any to you as I intended writing when all was complete. Land and property of all kinds is getting value very fast Mr Houston that came out with me bought his land at 22 1/2 Dollars an acre with a good deal of wheat ont [on?] it he has sold about a month ago at 55 dollars an acre you see he has made a good thing out of it Mr Houston is married to a sister of Solomon Chambers and I take him to be a very decent man he is acting very decent here he was appointed Treasurer of our Congregation about a week ago and I was appointed one of the Trustees but I was not present at the time or perhaps I might not have accepted the compliment as there is plenty in the know better qualified then I am They were voting in Elden about three months ago they wanted threw [through?] the vote by Ballot no body is proposed Mr Garrett the Sabbath School Superintendent had 31 votes Dr Corke had 26 and to my great astonishment I had 25 without me ever knowing a thing about it the Irish gave a strong vote I thanked them all for the compliment the [they?] paid me but me being nearly a stranger to them they would do better to appoint some one who knew the people and the country I don't know that I was acting right by backing out, they allowed me off with enough to do but has appointed me one since. Well Robert if I won't tell you how Ellsworth is going you would not predict it it is as large again as when I came over and is selling because they are making plenty of profit others are trying to make plenty more the [they?] are getting two new railroads this summer one comes from New Orleans it is made as far as Witchata [Wichita?] it is coming through Ellsworth runs onto Red-Cloud in Nebraska it is surveyed through my pastures within a gunshot of the Houses that will enhance the value of land around here a good deal I think I am to hear the town to get a Depot on my land but it wont be far with of me they are up buying land already in Speculation I think I told you before about Mr Emmerson that keeps a Hotel in Ells called the American House he is from Clones He is a fine young man he went home last summer and bought back a fine young wife a Miss Wilson His mother and three sisters and He came to Ellsworth about a year before me they bought the Hotel at 9000 dollars And he made some improvements on it since and sold last week at 18000 dollars it was Mrs Emmerson taught Alace [Alice?] to play it is her that plays in our congregation but she has got married lately to a Mr Clarke a young Attorney it was he I got to write to Robert Moore & Andrew There is a great difference between the Hotels here and the old Country they sell no drink of any description nothing but cook meals and supply beds I was told by a man stopping at Emmersons that on an average they dine every day 150 they pay 25 cents a meal and 25 cents for a bed I think they were doing well but the big profit induced them to sell there is two other Hotels in town fully as large as it and plenty of Restaurants but not a whiskey shop in town the [they?] have a very nice winter pretty frosty My milk cows I put in at night but all the dry ones lie out that is what I have at home I sent 31 out to winter mostly steers then we can manage all the rest at home Ourselves I sold four the other day and bought two So you see I'm doing some trading still I like trading well in Summer because I have only to turn them into the pasture until I sell again. It is a great comfort to be able to do without servants. I prefer getting my work done by piece work although labour is dear I can get pices [pieces?] work done for cash nearly as cheap as in Ireland I can get a good man and team for 2 1/2 dollars a day sometimes for 2 dol. I can get ploughing done for 1 1/4 dol. per acre Well Edgar cut all the Hay & Raked it but I have a very easily worked machine 6 Horses Rake I work the people with two Houses it is for the best I first rake in rows then rakes across and bunches it then you can bring it in to the stack with the rack if you wish if you dont make your stack too large We begin to husk corn in October and if it is done by the first of April it is all right [alright?] it gets no hurt by being out all winter. Now to business well I wrote to James Kirkpatrick to send the money by first May at least you would if he gave it you, I wish you would try to spur him up a bit and the others too I require all the money I can command when you write tell me what would be best to do we have to first May to pay out the last enstalment [instalment?] I feel I'm giving you plenty of trouble hunting the money but it will soon be all here now. Oh Robert if you were here with what money you could command I dont know what you couldn't do are the Irish here going to be at peace I see [saw?] some papers from the South of Ireland and they give an account of the times We have a very nice young man from the South of Ireland living with us he has his wife and child about one year old he has land beside me he has built his farm but didn't get his house built yet He pays me 20 Dollars per month - and gives a hand with anything [-----?] as he is a very handy father he has two brothers in law one being on the next quater section and one being about 14 miles from here his name is Jennings the brothers in law they call Pratt very respectable people they farm to have money Mr Pratt is going to Chicago to buy a stud Now he is going to keep mares he has bought three I sold him one for 150 dollars I bought at 100 dollars but she is with foal now. I like the country and people there. If I can scrape up feed that is all the farming I want. Tell Robert I'm shamed [ashamed?] not writing but I'll write a long letter to him tell me is he home or in Derry We are all quite well thank God never was better Hoping this will find you just as well Matilda and all the children join in kindness Jemima Robert Anne and everyone of them not forgetting myself old boy Your affectionate loving Brother Wilson No matter when I'm writing Charlie has always a Christmas card to send but I think he has got me to get yours from Miss Jennings |