Title: | Mrs Nolan, Co Kilkenny to son Patrick, [Providence R.I?] |
ID | 1912 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Mrs Nolan/48 |
Year | 1850 |
Sender | Mrs Nolan |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Co. Kilkenny, Ireland |
Destination | Providence?, Rhode Island?, USA |
Recipient | Patrick |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | mother-son |
Source | T.2054/1: Copied by Permission of Mrs L W Barber, 33 Tremont Road, Islington, Ontario, Canada. #TYPE LET Letter From Mrs Nolan, Clara Upper (Parish of Clara, Co Kilkenny, Ireland) To Her Son Patrick (Patt), Apparently In Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. O |
Archive | Public Record Office Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 8811065 |
Date | 08/10/1850 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | 05:12:1988 GC created 22:02:1989 ET input 22:02:19 |
Word Count | 1097 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | October the 8th 1850 Dear patt when I receivd [received?] your letter on the [?] of August last: I wrote you Back an answer [hoping?] you receivd [received?] [?] it with a check [cheque?] for thirty shillings in our [?] [greatest?] if want [?] Because Mrs Morrisy got a letter, and it said that you wrote me a letter [?] with thirty shillings and that I did not think it worth my while [to?] answer. But Dear Patt I did write you back answer thanking you for it as I hope god will Reward you for it the day that I receivd [received?] your letter last John was 8 weeks without hearing [?] without a stich [stitch?] on him [But?] in Bed And my [pretty?] hat and coat [?] [?] pledgd [pledged?] [?] out of all without in [?] Bit to eat that morning when receivd [received?] your letter and shure [sure?] I could not But thank you then for getting it Dear patt we are all without a place to lea [lay?] our head there that we were lodging under James [H Arch?] we were put out of it And know [now?] we are getting for god sake A few Nights logging [lodging?] up in the Sconce untill [until?] I get your letter And this day we are without a Bit to eat and I wood [would?] De [be?] Dead long go [ago?] only for two Nebours [neighbours?] that ofen [often?] gives me A Bit for god sake But little ever I thought that it wood [would?] come to my turn to Beg No more I wood [would?] Not Beg only for your fathers [death?] But[?] By the will of god for god is good still Dear patt the [?] that James and [mary?] was going away I feel that [?] [?] [?] As the Blankets Bed And Boots of my feet was pledged And the little things that I had in the auction went for very little And sence [since?] the day that the [they?] left Kilkenny there was [not?] shilling [?] up to this day patt I cant let you know whow [how?] we are suffering unless you were in Starvation and want without friend or fellow to give you a shilling or a penny then you wood [would?] know what we are suffering But on my too [two?] Bended Neese [Knees?] fresh and fasting I pray to god that you Nor one of you may ever know Nor ever suffer what we are suffering At the presane [present?] Dear patt you told me to ask John Nolan of clara wood to keep John and Joseph for a time And I asked him wood [would?] he and that he said he keep than from the day that I wood [would?] [go?] untill [until?] what ever time I wood [would?] write from America for them And John wood [would?] be well able to work at coopering if he got it to do But Dear patt Mrs lawlor wood [would?] not give a penny for godsake if I died Dead on the Street No one Belonging to me unless John Nolan of clara Mrs lawlors huspant [husband?] Died in preasan [prison?] for det [debt?] But thanks Bit of [be to?] God What ever me or his childer [children?] thats here is suffering your father died and was burryd [buried?] the way that lived thats [that is?] Respectable and Desant [decent?] what I hope you and the Rest of his childering [children?] will do the Same and the Merceyful [merciful?] hand of god I know Dear patt what you promised me to take me an [and?] little dickey out for the honour of our lord jasus [Jesus?] christ and his Blessed mother hurry and take us out of this hoping that if I was out that I cood [could?] do anny [any?] thing for the other two that will be here after me Dear patt you told me that Julia feels for to her hart [heart?] for me But tell her she wood [would?] feel ten times wors [worse?] if she New [knew?] Rightly the way I am the Blackest stranger that wood [would?] have feellence [feelings?] wood [would?] feel for the way we all are Dear patt I Roat [wrote?] to James the week After I Roat [wrote?] to you last And Never got an answer Sence [since?] from him what I wonder very mutch [much?] of for he promised for to take John and Joseph out the 24th of last June And Never Roat [wrote?] us a letter since [since?] send me word in your next letter is he in provdence [providence?] atale [at all?] or how is he going on And send a word how mary is As you Roat [wrote?] to me that she was in good health and in good sittuwation [situation?] And I hope she is in that Still Dear patt go to mary And ask her for the love and honour of god to asist [assist?] you to Bring me and little dicksy out of this and tell her that poor little Dicksy longs and sighs Both Night And morning untill [until?] he sees her and his two little Neises [neices?] and Nephews And [?] the poor child says I wood [would?] not Be hungary [hungry?] if I was Near them he says if the letter came in tomorro [tomorrow?] for him and his mother that he wood [would?] lep [leap?] in to the [ship?] neket [naked?] as he stands to make haste to see them all tell mary that this is the poorest prospect of a winter that ever I had sence [since?] I Began the world with out house Nor home fire Nor candle light freind [friend?] Nor fellow Nor a Bit of food to eat so tell her that my prosspects [prospects?] Dear pat if James Be in province or when ever you meet him tell him that it is [?] to make game of the aflected [afflicted?] & that gods holy spirit be with ye all and send me the letter as quick as No more I send my love and Best Respects to ye all and gods Blessing Be with ye all John Sends his love and Best Respects to mary and to ye all Joseph Sends his love and Best Respects to ye all John Nolan of Elisa and famely [family?] sends their love and Best Respects to ye all Thomas Mackey James Mackay Sends their love and Best Respects to ye all and the [?] wish every [?] [?] your letter your loving mother untill [until?] Death By John Nolan |