Title: | James Black, Racavan, [Ireland?], to Brice Black, [U.S.A.?] |
ID | 194 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Black, James Sr/146 |
Year | 1827 |
Sender | Black, James Sr. |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | stockbreeder? |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Co. Antrim, N.Ireland |
Destination | USA |
Recipient | Black, Brice |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | father-son |
Source | T.3633/1/5: Deposited by Mrs J. Comparelli |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9407057 |
Date | 27/03/1827 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | Document added by LT, 04:07:1994. |
Word Count | 416 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Racavan march 27th 1827 Dr [Dear?] Brice I take this opportunity of Writing a few lines to let you know that we are all in good health at present. Thanks be to God for all his mercies this is the fourth time I wrote to you Since your mothers Death and have Recd [Received?] no answer I am Inclined to think that the first three were Miscarried as I would be unwilling to charge you with Neglect, your Mother Died on the first day of February 1825, and your Aunt Jane Black Died February 27th 1827, and your aunt Ann White Died Before Christmas in the year 1826. Dear Brice Neglect no opportunity of writing to me in future I am now Destitute of the happiness and Comfort which I always enjoyed in the Society of the best of Women and to Experience any Neglect or want of attention in my Children would be too much for me to bear your last letter gave me to know that you was at that time entered into the Conjugal state you have now added to those duties which you owed as a child that of a Husban [Husband?] and perhaps of a father I hope that you will look up to God for assistance to fulfill the Respective Duties Incumbent on you in each of those Stations as you expect to be called to account when time shall be no more - I would be Desirous to how you are making out or if you have Changed your situation. We have a very Indifferent crop this last season on account of Great want of Rain Victualing in Consequence appears to be High and fodder Extremely scarce Give my love to your Uncle John Dick and your aunt and let them know that I am affraid [afraid?] they have forgotten our former friendship Neglect not to mention them in your letters as I shall ever hold them Dear to me and would be always Glad to hear from them your uncle John Black and your aunt Elisabeth are well your Brothers and sisters are well and send their love to you sister Jenny has Eight children and has Named one of her sons for yourself your uncles and families are all Well your Cousins in Murigan are Well James Peters and family are well James Jameson and family are well your Brother William Enjoys a tolerable good state of Health but continues lame I add not but am your affectionate Father James Black |