Title: | John Pemberton, USA, to Thomas Greer, Dungannon, Co.Tyrone. |
ID | 2120 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Pemberton, John/5 |
Year | 1771 |
Sender | Pemberton, John |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | Quaker |
Origin | unknown |
Destination | Dungannon, Co. Tyrone |
Recipient | Greer, Thomas |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | Mr. Pemberton asks for Mr. Greer's |
Source | D 1044/314: Deposited by the Late Captain U. McG. Greer. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N. Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9612189 |
Date | 14/12/1771 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 03:12:96. |
Word Count | 713 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | For Thomas Greer at Dungannon near Newry p [per?] Capt [Captain?] Cooper N E W R Y S H I P [Postal Arrival Mark undated?] 12/14 1771 [14 Dec 1771?] Dear Friends Philadelphia 12th mo 14th 1771 [14 December 1771?] I acknowledged myself much in thy debt for the token of thy Remembrance, and Cordial Love, manifested by thy Letter received some years past, which I have had often revived in my mind, but have been discouraged from acknowledging it from a sence [sense?] of my own defection, & how much I have fallen short, of the attainment, I might have experienced, had Christian Boldness, & faithfulness at all times been practised, when some sense of Duty appeared, it hath given me much satisfaction to hear of thy Prosperity, & encreas'd [increased?] in Divine Wisdom, & Strength, & wish no Worldly entanglement, nor any other Occurrence may intervene to impede thy further advancement in the Christian Race. I was now induced to write to sollicit [solicit?] thy kindness, an account of one of our Poor fellow creatures, unjustly detained in Bondage - is a Black man, or negro, that once lived with one James McCalmon in Newry, & in the year 1752 or 1753, being then about 17 or 18 years of age was for some offence, as he says tryed [tried?] at Court, & condemned for transportation, & was put on board a vessel bound to Maryland, whereof Morris Rankin was Mr [Master?] where on his arrival he was sold as a slave the negro says, his master & mistress gave strict orders to the Capt. by no means to sell him as a slave, but only for the term of years (7) for which he was transported. he expresses much regard for his master - who is, we hear, Dead. The Negro having served abt [about?] [17?] years is very uneasy, & has applied for some assistance to obtain Justice, that it's likely his case will be brought to Tryal [trial?]. He has a letter signed by the name of James Pake, of Newry, dated in the 6th month last year - expressing much compassion for the negro. & says it was far from the intention of his father in Law (James McCalmon?) to have him sold as a slave & promises any assistance in his Power towards his relief. The negro says he was brot. [brought?] from Guinea when very young in a vessel belonging to Liverpool, Capt. [captain?] Clay Mr [master?], was carried first to Jamaica, & there the negroes eventually sold, he was reserved by the Capt. [captain?] & taken to Liverpool, where he lived some time with this Capt. [captain?] Clay, & who was prevailed upon by this McCalmon (or McCormon?) to let him have him, who took him to Newry, now what is requested of thee, is, to search the Records of the court get what testimony from thence, & otherways thou canst, for the relief of the poor man, for if it can be made appear that he passed thro' [through?] a tryel [trial?] & was Condemned for transportation, he may be released - as I expect endeavour will be used to keep him in Bondage I request thou would be expeditious in this matter-- Capt. [captain?] Rankin is gone, or going for Ireland, who will no Doubt endeavour to prevent his Character suffering for such an iniquitous a procedure. Our Dear frd [friend?] I?] Neale put this business last spring upon Samuel Morton, & it was expected he had wrote to thee & we looked for a reply, but found lately he had not done anything therein - if no sudden appo [approach?] present from Newry, send from Dublin or any other port for we shall not begrudge an expence [expense?] to relieve the Oppressed, what expence [expense?] attends when I know, shall be willing to defray. I expect my Brot. [brother?] Israel is writing thee on this Subject, and he may be more particular, but what proofs thou can obtain, either from the Records of the court or private Persons be properly attested. Our Dear frd [friend?] [I?]. Neale is on his return from New Engd [New England?] was well the last acct [account?] I had. Our Dr [doctor?] frd [friend?] Joss Osley is in this province & nearly gone thro' [through?] his visit also well the visits of both truly acceptable - My Dear Love attends thee & thine, & enquiring friends & remain thy truly affectionate Friend John Pemberton The negro went in Ireland by the name of Jack Richardson alias John Richardson From Israel John Pemberton concerning the Negro in Prison |