Title: | Wm Perceval, Amherst Island, to JW Maxwell, Co Waterford |
ID | 2121 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Perceval, William/4 |
Year | 1859 |
Sender | Perceval, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | farmer? |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Amherst Island, Lake Ontario, Canada |
Destination | Co. Waterford, Ireland |
Recipient | Maxwell, J.W. |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | nephew-uncle |
Source | D3244/F/12/10: Perceval-Maxwell Papers:The Moore Family 1755-1860 |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N.Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9901026 |
Date | 05/03/1859 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 08:01:99. |
Word Count | 591 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Amherst Island March 5 1859 My dear Uncle I was about to write to you when I received your kind letter, I am sure we all feel and none more so than myself your extreme kindness and generosity. I had a letter from Mr Hallows of Kildare St Dublin enclosing a power of Attorney which I have signed and returned to him empowering him to act for me in this matter. Of course the arrangement is very much for my advantage and I should suppose for every member of the family No father could be more watchful over the interests of his children than you have ever been for us all - as Sara says - and feels as much as I do - Poor old Kilmore could not be in better hands than those you have given it to - We hope to be very comfortable here as soon as we get the place in order (and get rid of the bugs) As mother had mentioned your intentions your letter did not come altogether a surprise on me - I consider myself very fortunate in being able to get some cash as I could do nothing on the farm without some capital to commence with - After so much knocking about as I have had it is a great change to me living in this regular way I now do and being so much more at home I feel quite the Gentleman since I left Gadirich[?], I am afraid I shall have a great deal of trouble in collecting some debts there. you have no idea what a shameless set of rogues I have had to deal with. Fancy the high Sheriff having purchased at our auction and refusing to pay or give his note. now the Lawyers refuse to proceed against him so I have no remedy. As it will save time and enable me to stock the farm at once. I have taken the liberty to retain some of Roberts rents and sent him an order for the amount viz. œ163'1'3 on Mr Hallows. I wrote to you and Robert the other day and unfortunately in going to town I lost my Pocket book on the ice in which I had the letters and the order for Robert. it is not likely it will ever be found but in case it should I have mentioned it and I have also written to Mr Hallows to acquaint him with the fact. As to the best mode of investing the remainder of the money I can get 7« per cent for it here either in the Commercial - British North American Bank stock or Government debentures but if you disapprove of my removing the money of course I shall leave it where it is. I was very sorry to hear that you Aunt and Carrie should have been so ill with the influenza but I hope you are all quite well now. Does Aunt take as much interest in the little dogs as ever. The last letter I had from Carrie she says my poor old dog is still alive at Kilmore. I think I must some day or another take a trip across the Atlantic and see you all once more. it was like old times when Spencer was here but unfortunately I was so engaged I could not be with him as much as I wished. Sara joins in kind love to you Aunt Carrie and Spencer believe me ever dear Uncle your affecti [affectionate?] nephew Wm [William?] Perceval J. W. Maxwell Esq |