Title: | F.H. Pollexfen, Sligo, Ireland to T. McMullen, Canada. |
ID | 2126 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Pollexfen, Frederick H/39 |
Year | 1878 |
Sender | Pollexfen, Frederick H. |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Co. Sligo, Ireland |
Destination | Canada |
Recipient | McMullen, T. |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends |
Source | T 3694: Deposited by Mr. A McMullin. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N. Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9802547 |
Date | 25/11/1878 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LTE |
Log | Document added by LT, 09:02:98. |
Word Count | 362 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Merville Sligo 25th Nov 1878 Dear Mr. McMullen [McMullan?] I have been reading the Book you send me and like it very much the writer is very graphic and one can easily imagine the exact kind of country he wishes to discribe [describe?] some time since I sent you a book by the very Rev O Rourk [O Rourke?] of Collooney - a history of the Parish of Kilvarnett [Kilvarnet?] as I thought it would be of interest to you I have given up all idea since you were here of going to Canada to live But should very much wish to get there for a few months sometime one of Mr. Middletons sons William was there all last winter and liked the country well There is at present a large quantity of flour being imported from [America?] and parts of Canada and of course the Bacon business with [Aust?] has increased wonderfully within the past few years May Potter encloses this with her letter to you And with very best wishes Believe me yours Ever faithfully Fredr [Frederick?] H. Pollexfen I can make good shooting with the pistol now and have got one of Sharps American Rifles for match shooting and have won some prizes up to 600 yards one of my sisters Agnes was married to the third son of Henry Gorman on last week they have gone to London for their wedding trip There was a sharply contested Election in this town today for Aldermanship and I am glad to say that you (sic) Charles Anderson was one of the successful candidates as of course he should be he has sin [since?] presented to the town a very fine Clock and bell which is a real boon to the people Peter O Connor has Erected at the new Cathedral a Clock and a peel of bells which must have cost a very large sum of money I understand that Canadian Butter is worth only about 6 pence per pound sin (since?] now in that country Trade is in a very bad way all over this country in England and Scotland the distress of the people is very great some of them are almost starving F.H.P. [Peter O'Connor?] |