Title: | P Collenson, London, to Arthur Dobbs, Carrickfergus. |
ID | 2361 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Rowan, M/1 |
Year | 1751 |
Sender | Rowan, M |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | businessman |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | N.Carolina, USA |
Destination | unknown |
Recipient | S.S. |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | business |
Source | D 162/57: Presented by Major F Dobbs, Castle Dobbs, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim. #TYPE EMG [Rowan Dobbs?], North Carolina, to S[amuel?] S[mith?]: Draft Letter Describing Conditions in North Carolina, September 19 [1751?]. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N. Ireland |
Doc. No. | 8911053 |
Date | 19/01/1751 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | 13:11:1989 LT created 22:06:1990 CD input 22:06:19 |
Word Count | 983 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | (Probably Rowan to Sam Smith who seems to have been the family end of business in London.) North Carolina Septr [September?] 19th 1751? Sir I have not the honr [honour?] of receiving any letter from you since one dated from Liverpool, nor has anything material fallen out in this country of yr [your?] concern, to trouble you with a letter from me Mr Dobbs was pleased to write me in April last, and mentions him sending our [same?] Families for his Lands on [Padar?], I have advice from Cape Fear the ship was arrived there I wish their method may answer his expense (if he's at the charge of their Freight, but I would not recommend it to any friend, to attempt transporting and settling People or Lands in this country People who came from Europe have extraordinary competition formed of any new enterprize, [enterprise?] comming [coming?] far beyond whatever can succeed, if they engage on conditions to settle Lands; when they came Last and see the eff[orts?] of the country, that they can take up lands on easyer [easier?] terms than perhaps they contracted for they grow out of Humour with all that has been done for them, and seek all means to be disangagd [disengaged?], and seldom do anything for themselves or benefactors; I hinted this much to Mr Dobbs when [in?] England [&?] told him that [ta?]le of the people who were sent over by Mr McCulloh [McCulloch?] and others to make settlements all miscarryd [miscarried?] The character of our Lands induce great numbers of people from [?], Maryland, Pennsylvania and other Provinces; the Europeans who land there find Purchases very high and glad to come where they hear Lands are good & cheap, after long tiresome journey they sitt [sit?] down with great contentment and hea[p?] resolution to [impress?], and can put up with many [inconveniences?] at their own expense, while others would not undergo. - The grants lately made to [newcomers?] from the northern Provinces are very considerable, and believe me there is little vacant Land good in 250 miles westward from the sea coast. I am credibly informed that the [Outermost?] Branches of Padar [Padre?] are better settled than on [navigable?] River in these Lower Parts, and people [f?]alling on the linnen [linen?] manufacture and rising [raising?] Hemp, both which thrive there to admiration and is now brought down in waggon [wagon?] loads to Virginia for sale several saw and [gr?]ist mills are built and on a Bloomary for Iron which they say have a fine mint of (sic) oar [ore?] to work on - Stills for Rye and Potatoes of which they make spirits, and tell us they want nothing but salt and a[mmun?]ition to supply themselves in living comfortably in a Healthy pure air - The Irregularitys [irregularities?] of our [government?] in the any discouragement [?] that d[?] men of considerable fortune [to?] [the?] northward from coming to our country. They who can fully impact into our proceedings fear Impositions in taking my Lands as our gentlemen stickle where the Lands are, so that they get the [Fear?], and Mr Dobbs and Mr McCulloch will find now many familiar [Improv?]ing their Lands, under grants from our governm [government?], some have found their mistake, and moved off - the lands on Black River will sell, four people settled thereon have been with me, to know how they can purchase and will give [?] [tracts?] of 640 acres at the rate of 5 1/2 p 100 (or 4pds sterling) Virgy [Virginian?] currency; has not Mr Alexandr [Alexander?] Stewart a tract, are the [?] [?] yours, then Lands will be exhausted for [Q?]uit Rents, if not paid soon; The Receiver govt [government?] having order for this purpose I was in Virginia some time past and made enquiry what was doing in the Ohio concern, I could get no Information; Mr Lee, the late President, who was very hearty in promoting the undertaking dyd [died?] soon after; my acquaintance Mr Hugh Parker his [Factor?] with the Indians and [greatly?] belovd [beloved?] among the people on the Ohio & Lake Erie dyed [died?] and I believe the Indian Trade Mr Lee carryd [carried?] on became extinct with these, as I don't hear anything further done. - I am very much concerned that all things have turned out to discourage so national a Benefit, as a proper Trade to the Remote parts must have yielded, and will fall into the hands of our Industrious [Rivals?] the French who are Ind[efatigable?] to gain Influence among our savage neighbours, knowing from there they can derive Riches and Power to destroy us - six chiefs of the southern Indians Embarked at South Carolina for new york and is [?] men with some Deputie [deputy?] of the six nations of the [Inquest?] ? at Albany to settle [Peace?], what has been done I have not heard on the principal bushyness [business?] of the Treaty, b[ut?] [?] from a friend at York some account. - As for one governmt [government?] we dont trouble ourselves with any foreign affairs, as suffici[ent?] matters to get money (p for our ne[?]) and let every Individual look out for themselves _ every true Briton is sensibly affected with the death of his R [Royal?] Highness or we hoped the plantation would meet the due consideration how he succeeded to the c.n. certainly this poor province in [enticing?] [forgot?] and neglected of your [m--y?] or the [f?]ull [?]ill gr[?] proved complaints of an [injured?] People would have been adressd [addressed?] long before now and not left at mercy of a [nefarious?] [?] who have trampled on all our Laws [Justice?] as regularity, that no man may say he knows what is property nor how to act. Pardon me dear sir for di[gressing?] into our private affairs which cant entertain you in any agreeable manner or I could wish I had subject matters t[?] of for yr [your?] interest and Prosperity, which no man alive wishes you quite happiness than & yr [your?] T.S:S: |