Title: | Mary [?], Detroit, to "Miss Weir" |
ID | 2390 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Savage, Mary/45 |
Year | 1892 |
Sender | Savage, Mary |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Detroit, Michigan, USA |
Destination | prob. Pontiac, Michigan, USA |
Recipient | Weir, Annie |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | friends |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mrs. Linda Weir, Tirmacspird, Lack, Co. Fermanagh, BT93 0SA |
Archive | Ulster American Folk Park |
Doc. No. | 9904211 |
Date | 14/02/1892 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 23:04:99. |
Word Count | 355 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Detroit Feb 14th 1892 Miss Weir Dear friend you will think I have forgotten you Well I have had a very bad spell with neuralgia I can hardly write just now. But I cannot wait any longer to write to you This is a wet day it makes my head feel worse Two weeks today I thought I would die I was all alone Lizzie and Maggie were up to Johns & Lizzie dont go out hardly ever But as I was alone I felt so sick to my stomach & weak my hands looked death-like my nails black the blood stopped circulating when [Gelian?] came home he was scared at my looks he said I looked like a corps [corpse?] I got a hot foot bath & some brandy and a good hard rubbing the blood started to circulate I have been so miserable ever since with neuralgia The Dr said I didnt want any medicine but drink porter to build my system up I was pretty well only the neuralgia The rest are all pretty well How are you all is there much sickness I saw about one man died with La grippe there, Are there many of the patients have it, It seams [seems?] this year it runs into something that takes so many old people off I see by the papers that there is another disease starting from La grippe Typhus fever Thats what my grand-father died with in Scotland Well how are the California folks all How about the old country how is Miss Harrison since she lost the widdower [widower?] But she has another better one Isnt it good Miss [G adams?] gone you'll have a [rest?] is Miss Tate still there yet, I am at James to have his picture taken I want to get you yours i have not got any word from that lady I get Baddy Mc[Tuillan?] from When are you's coming in How are they progressing with the building love to all hoping you are all well I remain as ever Mary write soon Maggie says did you or Miss Harrison get any Valentines she got several And sent several |