Title: | O Bouligny, Mississippi, to Mrs. A.W. Smyth, Louisiana |
ID | 242 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Bouligny, Octavie/28 |
Year | 1889 |
Sender | Bouligny, Octavie |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | housewife |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Mississippi, USA |
Destination | Louisiana, USA |
Recipient | Smyth, Nato |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | mother-daughter |
Source | Copyright Retained by Brendan O'Reilly, O'Reilly's Bar & Restaurant, Main St. Dromara |
Archive | Original Held By the Above Donor |
Doc. No. | 9912101 |
Date | 28/06/1889 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 20:12:99. |
Word Count | 273 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Pass Christian, 28 juin 1889 Chere Nato, Je pense que c'est la derniere lettre que tu recevras de moi, comme je t'attend Lundi et qu'on ne distribue pas les lettres le Dimanche, il est inultile de t'ecrire demain. Je pense, que tu es tres tracasse des nouvelles de Washington, main j'espere que le D. sortira gagnant. Sep [Jess?] desire savoir si tu as paye Beynoir, elle te prie de garder le recu car elle est oublieuse et envoie quelquefois, le compte double. Je n'ai plus entendu parler des Marris [Harris?] comme je te l'ai ecrit, je crois que c'est un fausse rumeur. L'examen a eu lieu, la Comite a ete jaure, tout est rentre dans le silence. La monde arrive tous les jours, il y a une procession de voitures tous les apres diner. Arthe m'a offert sa voiture pour me promener le matin, mais je ne me sens pas encore assez bien; je suis mieux, et j'espere bientot accepter son offre. J'espere que Kate est revenu. A que rien ne passera te retenir et t'empecher d'arriver le 1er Juillet. Mde. Thorp [?] a ouvert la chambre ce matin, nous l'avons vu l'epaussitoir en main, elle meme. Je crois qu'elle est tres anxieuse de te voir a la Passe. Le temps est frais, et les bains magnifiques. Je n'ai rien a plus a te dire, si ce n'est de ne pas te tracasser, je ne dois que deux comptes, apres cela, je pourrai t'aider. Adieu, ma cherie, embrasse Arthe pour moi. Je t'embrasse comme je t'aime. Ta mere, O. [Olivier?] Bouligny English Translation Pass Christian, 28th June 1889 Dear Nato, I think this will be the last letter you will get from me, as I'm expecting you on Monday and there is no post on Sundays it would be useless to write to you tomorrow. I think that you are bothered by the news from Washington, but I hope that D will come out the winner. Sep [Jess?] would like to know if you have paid Beynoir, she asks that you keep the bill as sometimes she is forgetful and will sometimes send the same bill twice. I have heard nothing about the Marries [Harris?], as I wrote to you I believe it is a false rumour. The exam has taken place, the committee were sworn in, and all entered into silence. Everybody arrives each day and there is a procession of carriages after dinner. Arthe has offered me her carriage for a ride one morning, but I am not yet well enough to accept., I do hope that soon I will be able to. I hope that Kate has returned so that nothing will stop or delay you from arriving on the 1st of July. Mrs. Thorp [?] herself opened the room this morning, we saw her with an ---------- [cleaning object?] in her hand. She is very anxious to see you. The weather is fresh, but the baths are wonderful. I have nothing more to say, other than do not worry yourself, I only owe on two bills and after that I will be able to help you. Good-by my darling, kiss Arthe for me, I send as many kisses as love for you, Your mother, O. [Olivier?] Bouligny. |