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Title: Letter to the Editor on American Foreign and Domestic Policy
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginWashington, D.C., USA
DestinationArmagh, N.Ireland
Recipientthe Editor of The Armagh Guardian
Recipient Gendermale
Relationshipthe author writes to a newspaper
SourceThe Armagh Guardian, Tuesday, September 16, 1845
ArchiveThe Central Library, Belfast.
Doc. No.9407149
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 02:06:1994.
Word Count1218
TranscriptMexico and The United States,
To the Editor of the Guardian,
Washington City, District of Columbia,
U.S. America, August 28, 1845.

The Editor,
I, through the kindness of a friend of your spirited and
independent paper, had the pleasure of perusing two copies
of it. It is almost needless to state that a sight of a
newspaper published in the "ould counthry" [country?] afforded
much novelty and delight. Thinking that an occasional letter
from this city, the metropolis of this extensive republic,
whose political and civil policy is at this time engrossing
so much of the attention of the civilised world, would not
be entirely without interest to you,- particularly at this
time, when the priviledge is held out to your countrymen of
revelling unharmed through our broad valleys and over our
lofty mountains, carrying back with them the riches of our
land, (if England only grant O'Connell the Repeal of the
Union).- I have concluded to send you a few items of matters
and things in general by the steamer which sails on the day
after to-morrow from New York.
Washington is at this time in the utmost degree dull;
Congress will not resume its session till the first Monday
in December, and then will commence one of the mostimportant
sessions of legislation that has ever been known in this country.
In the first place, we are in daily expectation of the intelligence
that Mexico has declared war against the United States. This war,
as there is now no political capital to be made out of its horrors,
will be a popular one; volunteers - particularly from the Western
States, where the unerring rifle is the constant companion of all
classes - are in fact pouring their forces into the Southern ports,
preparatory to embarking for Texas. A large body of United States
troops are now in Texas, marching to the Mexican boundary, there to
defend the soil and its inhabitants which has so recently been annexed
to our nation.
The first blow struck, if any be at all, will be the signal
for the whole of the hardy sons of the South-West to fly to texas; nor
will they confine themselves to that territory alone - they will never
stop till they have traversed Mexico, which at this time is in no situation
to defend itself from the machinations of the secret enemies within her own
limits, much less the combined forces of the United States and Texas.
The next Congress will have the settling of the Oregon Question,
which bids fair to cause much trouble to the nation. The opinion of Preident
Polk upon this question you are acquainted with, and ther has been elected to
Congress a large majority of his political friends; in the House of
Representatives, - the popular branch - the Democratic majority will exceed
sixty; in the Senate, exclusive of those to be elected for Texas and Iowa -
both of which will send Democrats - the Democratic majority will
be six or eight. So you will see that the President has
been sustained by the people in his declaration of our title
to Oregon. It is true that negociations [negotiations?]
are pending between England and the United States; yet, as a
member of Congress stated in debate last winter, the people
of this country understand "negotiation" to mean
acquisition not dividing, surrendering, or compromising by
mutual concession. This being the spirit at present, it can
hardly be doubted that Congress will take the matter into
consideration, and settle it by passing a law for the armed
occupation of Florida. The present Chairman of the
Committee of Foreign Relations in the Senate, where a
similar bill was rejected last year by the Whigs, is a
western man, and was one of its foremost advocates at the
last session. If this bill pass, (sic) it will, I think,
close "negotiation" entirely, and England will have "to grin
and bear it", or send Daniel O'Connell and his millions to
thrash the Yankees and strike the arms from their "blood-
stained hands!"
As I have the pleasure of being acquainted with several
persons from the neighbourhood of Armagh and Dungannon, I
would state that, should any emigrate to this country from
those places, let them go into the country and avoid the
cities. Let them settle in the Western States - say,
Michigan. Iowa, Illenoes [Illinois?], Ohio or
Missouri; there farms may be obtained at comparatively low
prices which require for several years but little labour to
cultivate and produce the most abundant crops; half of the
labour that in Ireland is bestowed upon "a half-acre" would
work twenty-five acres in any of those states.
A great deal of excitement was gotten up immediately
preceeding the Presidential election concerning the
naturalization of foreignres by a party who style themselves
"native Americans" but they failed to have that effect upon
that election which they desired, and James K. Polk, the
descendant of an Irishman, and friend of the poor and
distressed of all nations, and in favour of extendeing the
privileges of citizenship to all, was triumphantly chosen.
I would simply remark by was [way?] of conclusion, that much of
the odium and reproach cast upon Irishmen in this country
during the political contest of last year, was engendered by
the unwarrantable attacks of Mr. O'Connell upon the
institution of slavery in America.
I am fully aware that I write to a paper opposed to
slavery in every form - one that denies the possibility of a
necessity for such an institution; but permit me to state,
in justice to the thousands of Irish citizens who would not
obey the mandate of Mr. O'Connell "to come out" of a land
where man sold and trafficked in the blood of his fellow
man, that they who are here, and have every oppurtunity to
witness the "horrors" of slavery are firmly convinced that
there is no other efficacious mode of destroying the hideous
monster than that now pursued viz., the gradual - slow but
sure - abolition of it by the slave-holders themselves. The
number of slaves in comparison to the free population is
not interesting, and were it not for the incendiary
hirelings of hypocritical fanatics upon this side of the
Atlantic, many of the States would have followed New York in
her plan of manumission, that is, by enactin that all born
after a certain period shall be free; and those born after a
lesser date should serve for a term of years only. This is
the only way in which slavery can be abolished without
bloodshed in this country. Let Mr O'Connell then not "lay
the flattering unction to his soul", that if England would
grant him a parliament in College-green he could by the
magic of his "tail", induce a single naturalised citizen of
this country to lend his hand against the proud eagle of
They would pour forth their blood in defence of that wing
which has sheltered them from political oppression by their
rulers and pharasaical pilferings from friends loud in
promises of relief (i.e. repeal) at home in their own native
land. If this should be accepted and by so doing you will
not adopt the sentiments contained herein as your own, but
merely those of a friend of Ireland, and an American in
feeling, I will take the liberty of sending you another
epistle by the next steamer.
Yours, with respect etc.,