Title: | O. Bouligny, New Orleans to Mrs A.W. Smyth, Massachusetts. |
ID | 255 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Bouligny, Octavie/69 |
Year | 1891 |
Sender | Bouligny, Octavie |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | housewife |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Destination | Massachusetts, USA |
Recipient | Smyth, Nato |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | mother-daughter |
Source | Copyright Retained by Brendan O'Reilly, O'Reilly's Bar & Restaurant, Main St., Dromara. |
Archive | Original Held by Above Donor |
Doc. No. | 9809265 |
Date | 18/09/1891 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 13:10:98. |
Word Count | 248 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | NEW ORLEANS SEP 18 5 PM 91 [Postmark 18 Sep 1891?] Mrs A.W. Smyth c/o Mrs. Chas. [Charles?] A. Goodrich Stockbridge, Berkshire Hill Mass [Massachusetts?] N.O. [New Orleans?] 18 Sep 91 [1891?] Ma fille cherie J'ai recu ta lettre du 14; et le petit billet, de ma chere petite fille ; je suis bien aise de voir, que tu es toujours satisfaite; tu ne me dis pas, ou tu vais aller; en quittant Stockbridge; je pense que c'est a N.Y. [New York?] pour revenir ici. J'espere que tu ne te fatiguerais pas; avant de prendre les chars. Je suis fachee, de ne pas avoir de bonnes nouvelles, de la famille, de ta tante Amelia, a te donner; la petite fille de Lucia, a une tumeur au ventre; on est oblige de lui faire l'operation. Il est douteux; qu'elle puisse la supporter; j'en suis bien peinee, pour sa paurve mere! Ta tante Amelie est toujours a la campagne; je ne sais pas; si elle pourra revenir en ville; a cause de Maria; qui passe les nuits a jeter des cries percants; et a cause des voisins; elle sera peut [peutetre?] obligee de rester sur l'habitation. c'est reellment; une famille, bien affligee. Albert arrive aujourdhui Je t'ajure, que je suis fachee, de me trouver ici; c'est une position, et desagreable pour moi. Il me [semble?] que les jours allongent; au lieu [de?] dimuinuer. J'ai eu des nouvelles [de?] Biloxi hier; Alicia avait eu un [peu?] de fievre; mais, je crais que [---?] fera du bien; de revenir en ville. Au revior, ma cherie, ecris quand tu penses quitter, pour [rev-----?] [revenir?] Embrasse ma chere petite fille, [pou-?] [pour?] ta mere, qui t'aime, et t'embrasse tendrement O. Bouligny [Arlne?] envoie son amour a [Arthe?] [Translation Antoine Graham - UAFP?] My dear girl I received your letter of the 14, and the little note from my dear little girl. I am well pleased to see that you are still happy. You dont say where you are to go after leaving Stockbridge. I imagine it's to New York to return here. I hope that you will not tire yourself before taking the [charabancs?]. I am vexed not to have good news from your Aunt Amelia's family to give to you. Lucia's small daughter has a stomach tumour and will have to undergo an operation. It's doubtful if she will survive it. I'm so sorry for her poor mother! Your aunt Amelia is still in the country. I don't know if she will be able to return to the town on account of Mary, who spends the night screaming loudly. Because of the neighbours she will probably be obliged to stay at the homestead. It really is a most afflicted family! Albert arrives today. I swear to you that I am so annoyed to find myself here. It's a very disagreeable situation for me. It seems that the days get longer instead of shorter. I had news from Biloxi yesterday. Alicica had a touch of fever, but will soon be well enough to return to town. Goodbye my dear. Write when you think of leaving [to return?] Kiss my dear little daughter, for the mother who loves you and kisses you tenderly O. Bouligny [Arnle?] sends her love to Arthe |