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Title: Bella Smyth, Co Tyrone to James A Smyth, Ontario
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileSmyth, Bella Maggie/63
SenderSmyth, Bella Maggie
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationfarming household
Sender ReligionPresbyterian
OriginCo. Tyrone, N.Ireland
DestinationEssex Co., Ontario, Canada
RecipientSmyth, James Alexander
Recipient Gendermale
SourceCopyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, castledamph@btinternet.com
ArchiveMr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge.
Doc. No.0410056
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLTE
Word Count995
Transcript[No Envelope]

[Page 1]
October 8th 1896

Dear Brother
I now take the
pleasure of writing to you to
let you know that we are all
well hoping you are all
enjoying the same I suppose
by this time you are back
at school again we were
sorry that you failed in
your examination but when
you done (sic) all you could there
is no lamenting. The school
is all opened here after
vacation The Miss Dunbars
spent their holidays down
at home and never came
up till Monday Mary went
to Scotland for a week to a
Friend so then she had only

[Page 2]
one month at home she was
to get them (sic) papers that you were
wanting but I have not
seen her yet to see if she
got them. We have very
wet weather here this harvest
I'm afraid Ireland will
suffer this year as well as
America there is hardly any
corn got safe in except some
that was early ripe, and there (sic)
lots of people that has got none
in yet nor no appearance
either, and its all cut five
and six weeks and some of it
more, there are a good share
commencing to grow in the
stooks we have got it all
gathered in only about forty
stooks and they are not in a
good condition either but we

[Page 3]
ought to be content when its
not all out There is hardly any
hay in either and its [it’s] losing
every day and flax is all in
winnrows [winnows?] yet so you may
think whether its [it’s] dry or not
and every day raining one
worse than the other
yesterday was Gortin fair
Tommy and William was (sic)
over Tommy had some sheep
over but he did not sell they
were cheap, not near so good
as the Plum [Plumbridge?] fair was
Father and William was (sic) in
Strabane on Tuesday with
pork, they drew seven pounds
some shillings for three but its [it’s]
very cheap now too they got
35s.6d per cut and 36s was the height
the litter we were feeding

[Page 4]
died all but five and then
the other sow has twelve a
fortnight old the [they?] are doing very
well for so far but young pigs
is not a very good price now
either, the [they?] are always cheap
when pork is cheap
Tommy and John is (sic) threshing
to day [today?] its [it’s] so stormy they can
do nothing else. They were piling
the stones on the road this
last few days the overseer
will be round about Monday
so they will need to have them
ready, Peter, Neil, Roe has got
married about three weeks ago
and has got as nice a woman
as ever was in the Plum [Plumbridge?]
Chapel she is the name of
Kelly from the cross the
roadmen had some fun

[Page 5]
breaking the stones up there
about that time, Peter wanted
them in to see the wife but they
would not go, they took some
fun out of Peter as long as they
were about it
Willie Ballantine R I C was
at home since we last wrote
he is a great Methodist, he had
a preaching in his own house one
sunday evening There was noone
[no-one?] at it but their own friends
and the McFarlane's I believe he is
a great speaker its [it’s] a usal
[usual?] thing in the barracks where
he is him and another lecture (sic)
time about, he is a full sergeant now
and examiner of weights and
measures as well so he. did not
Idle his time on the police

[Page 6]
James McCullagh [fad?] is dead
he was buried this day fortnight
he was ailing about two months
and Barbara McKelvey Glengaw [Glenga?]
is dead after a long illness she
was dead when father wrote the
last letter but he did not
remember to tell you, consumption
I suppose was her disease
Alex has not very good health
he was very ill when she died
he was not able to go with the
funeral, but he is something
better since, I did not tell you
how much corn we had in we have
19 stacks altogether as good as
last year but not so dry we might
had (sic) more secured only William
was not in good humor [humour?] of
working he is not very ill
but he does not care for

[Page 7]
doing anything but its [it’s] better
for him to take care of himself
in time, Joseph Young is very
ill now I don’t [don’t] think he will
do any good he is throwing
off blood constantly he was
pretty well when we put in
the corn he was able to draw
and build the loads but
he got bad shortly after
that, The lodge has not
met since the twelfth of
July, so the monthly meetings
comes (sic) often, its [it’s]
not likely they will meet now for
a while on account of the bad
harvest Archie Barker was here one
day when he was at home
and he left 10s to treat
the band they have not got
it yet nor I don’t [don’t] know

[Page 8]
when they will, Tommy and
me is (sic) preparing to take our
sarament [sacrament?] this time last
Sunday was the first day of the class
there are eight along with
us I suppose this time
last year you were thinking
about it and about starting
too. Mary and Willie John is
at school No more

Bella M Smyth

Dear James - William and myself
was (sic) up in Omagh on Saturday to
see if there was anything to do he said
nothing But to attend at 10 a m [a.m.?] on
Monday the 26 inst how it will go its [it’s]
hard to tell I think this harvest will teach
some of them a lesson they have only 4 we [wee?]
stacks in and its [it’s] dismal to look round
you this morning Give our love to all. -

Good By [Goodbye?]

J-J S – [John James Smyth?]

Transcribed by Alan Houston