Title: | Bella Smyth, Castledamph to James A Smyth, Ontario |
ID | 2582 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Smyth, Bella Maggie/71 |
Year | 1893 |
Sender | Smyth, Bella Maggie |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | farming household |
Sender Religion | Presbyterian |
Origin | Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland |
Destination | Essex Co., Ontario, Canada |
Recipient | Smyth, James Alexander |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | siblings |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, castledamph@btinternet.com |
Archive | Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge. |
Doc. No. | 0410049 |
Date | 14/09/1893 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LTE |
Log | Document added by LT, 26:10:2004. |
Word Count | 716 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Front of envelope Mr James Alex Smyth South Woodslee Essex County Ontario Canada (Handwritten in corner) Going to Worlds fair [Willis?] Coaching 4 (Handwritten at top of page) Rec. Sept 28 93 Ans Oct 4 Worlds fair Lock Box 4 STAMPED N.T.STEWART D SP 14 93 IRELAND Back of envelope POSTMARK PLUMBRIDGE C SE 14 93 POSTMARK HAMILTON 3 SP 25 93 CANADA POSTMARK SOUTH WOODSLEE SP 25 93 ONT. Handwritten Sep 14. 1893. Castledamph Sept 14 1893 Dear Brother Once more I take the pleasure of writing to you again and I am glad to say that we are all well at present hoping this will find you all the same. The best news I have to tell you this time is that the Home Rule Bill was defeated in the house [House?] of Lords on Friday last with three hundred and fifty seven of a majority so that puts an end to it for one time anyway there were (sic) great rejoicings everywhere the news reached Plumbridge on Saturday evening and the band was in readiness and played through the town till ten oclock we did not hear it till William came in at bed time [bedtime?] and when he told (sic) they took out the drum and they beat for I suppose an hour the band was all gathered then on Monday evening at one o clock [o clock] and went down till [to?] the Plum [Plumbridge?] and had a splendid evening they were not all present on account of it being a good day John Charles John McKnight Willie Gordon and Alex McKelvey Glenroan beat the we [wee?] drums and Jamie Barker and our William beat the big one time about, they came up the farside [far side] when they were coming back and they were here about a half past six so that was the end of the burial of the home rule bill Dear Brother We are sorry to have to tell you to write no more to over the burn ones unless you write a letter to learn them to have some breeding and one that would open their eyes for I suppose you know enough what they could say when you were here The beginning of their lying stories was about the picnic at Baronscourt William and me and Eliza was (sic) at it Father had asked Andy McClelland the Plum [Plumbridge?] fair before it who he would have for his car and he had no-one so he said that he would give us three a seat, when the cars was all gathered (sic) Maggie Duncan came into A. McClellands and told me that they had a seat for me on thier [their?] car and I told her that we were going on Andy McClellands so they were not pleased because I would not go they are not in good terms so I suppose the [they?] wanted to make a fool of him and me both but they did not get it managed that time so when we came back to Plumbridge in the evening McClellands car stopped and we went in and stayed for about half an hour and the other car went on home so when they came home they were that angry they commenced and made the lies and told that one and Andy McClelland made a runaway to William Gilkys but the [they?] did not stop with that tilda Gilkison and me was (sic) asked by Uncle Charles and the mistress to the lammas fair of Gortin and mary and Bella was in it so they said plenty about it too but when all was heard father went over yesterday to see what they had got to say and when he got out without been [being?] killed he was all right he said that when Alex and knox was (sic) shaking with fear in James Ried [Reid's?] they had not much to say And Alice said they did not leave the country to work on a railway like you he said you never was in the dock and they said you were not far off it but when he had argued a good deal about the stories Beck asked him what time was I home out of Gortin fair and he said I was home before night she said it was a lie that it was seven oclock [o clock] before we left Gortin but I could not tell you the half of it but they are a set of bad people but their lies was (sic) all found out they are [there is?] not one goes (sic) into them unless Elkins ones for its worse they are getting father will writ [write?] next [week?] no more at present Bella Maggie Smyth Transcribed by Alan Houston |