Title: | James A Smyth, Ontario, to Mr John J Smyth, Castledamph. |
ID | 2782 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Smyth, James Alexander/48 |
Year | 1897 |
Sender | Smyth, James Alexander |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | student |
Sender Religion | Protestant (Methodist) |
Origin | Essex Co., Ontario, Canada |
Destination | Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland |
Recipient | Smyth, John J. and wife |
Recipient Gender | male-female |
Relationship | son-parents |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, castledamph@btinternet.com |
Archive | Mr & Mrs J Smyth |
Doc. No. | 0410267 |
Date | 24/09/1897 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 29:10:2004. |
Word Count | 590 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Front of Envelope - Torn in Two - addressed to:- Mr John J Smyth Castledamph Plumbridge Co Tyrone Ireland Postmarked ESSEX SP [23?] 97 ONT Stamped Canada Postage 5 CENTS 5 Back of Envelope:- (Written on Back) Arrived October 8th 1897 Friday Morning. Postmarked NEWTOWNSTEWART AM 7 0 OC 8 97 HAMILTON CANADA 20 SP 25 97 [DULIN?] AM 8 15 OC 7 97 Essex Ont [Ontario?] Sept 24th 97 Dear Parents I suppose I should have written sooner to inform you that I got the money & letters all right. I have also received a letter from Bella this week stating that you had gone to the seaside, I think you did not stay long enough as I see by this paper that I got from you, that you were leaving Bundoran the following Saturday, I hope you all enjoyed yourselves even if it did cost some money. Life is not worth living unless there is some pleasure in our lives, I was very much interested in that paper you sent with the accounts of the [Intermediate?] Examination throughout Ireland, I see they give a lot of prizes to [too?]. I wish they would give those here I might stand a [show?] of getting one of them You asked me what the Principal thought of my Examination He said my failure in Composition must have been an accident [or?] slip on my part as he was confident that I should have passed, [---?], 5.75 Marks was required for a pass and I have about 720 So that I had a good total, However he advised me appeal it and have my Comp [Composition?] re-read, as he thought it would be worth the money to know if it was the examiners made to close marking. I sent in the appeal last week, and it cost 2$ but if my appeal is sustained the [money?] is returned, I am doubtful if my appeal will be sustained but I thought it would be as well to know, It does not matter much now as I think I can surely get my second next year so then this one would not make it any better or worse, The Principal thought I done very well as he said I got [honors?] [in?] Commenced and passed Junior Matriculation I see by the papers that the Duke and Duchess received a good welcome in Ireland So much to the praise of Irish men I am glad to know that you took in those fireworks (I mean the boys) I am sure you would not see such a sight very often, I know this that I never saw anything of the kind in Ireland. I think you should have taken Mother down to see them, I have seen many such sights Here and [in?] that account I was wishing you people would Get to see them, I saw some good pictures of Baronscourt and the surrounding Country [and?] the places which They visited in the periodicals In the public library here, Some very fine views. I suppose W.J Duncan does Not like Ireland very well now I don t think he could get along Over there as well as he could Here, I have not got that letter From Tomy [Tommy?] [&?] [-y?] [as?] [yet?] I hope he does not forget to write as I am expecting it and would be disappointed, I was down at Woodslee on Saturday & Sunday last they got a letter from Archibald he also said W John [Willie John?] was leaving. I Promised to send some papers last week but they were [there was?] not any interesting news except this clipping which I send you now, We had election for officers for our Literary society Now it is [-------?] up to Bed. [ ?] and I think I had better Say No More, If there is any Important Points Not Mentioned I will give them again. J A Smyth Transcribed by Elizabeth Prentice |