Title: | Annie A Briny, Canada to J. A. Smyth, Canada |
ID | 299 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Briny, Annie A/61 |
Year | 1912 |
Sender | Briny, Annie A. |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Canada |
Destination | Ontario, Canada |
Recipient | Smyth, James Alexander |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, castledamph@btinternet.com |
Archive | Mr & Mrs J Smyth |
Doc. No. | 401019 |
Date | 19/8/1912 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 20:01:2004. |
Word Count | 427 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Envelope addressed to < Mr Jas. A. Smyth Essex Ontario Canada Front of Envelope Printed Return in 10 Days to BOX 404 ESSEX ONT Back of Envelope STAMPED NEWTOWNSTEWART 10AM AU 30 12 STAMPED ESSEX AM SP14 12 ONT STAMPED LONDON, ONTARIO SEP 13 9-pm 1912 Written in Pen Political Hacks Printed WESTERN FAIR LONDON CANADA SEPT 6-14 1912 Dear James Well - this time two years ago we were having an ideal time and sincerely hope to take the same trip before two more years are up. In hearing of the Premier's trip and sailing up Loch Lomond, motoring back to Clyde bank and different familiar places are spoken of makes us sit up and take notice. Essex is the same old half dead Town - extremely quiet many people away for summer outings but some of them old girls visiting here. Sybil was in town for some wks [weeks?] [Cor?] [Krieghift?] is now in Toronto trying a new job, they are very unsettled. Then your old friend Ethel Laing has been home for weeks. Mr Henderson is away west looking up a job as he is out of the Bank and so on down the line but the Free Press no doubt gives you all news. The fair Lillian now Mrs Edwards is still living at home See what you missed a house with Dad Let me see of whom will I chat next. Florence Adams next door starts in at one Thousand a year in Dunville H.S [High School?] pretty nice for your old pupil - Perhaps you know that Mary Williams teaches in the Dunville School. She has written to Florence to make their home, hers until she secures a permanent place. However Jim there are still a few of the old familiar girls and scenes around Essex. I do not know anything whatever concerning Stone or his work [have?] lost interest now. When you were here we always heard the funny side and enjoyed the sport. The new Post office is going to be a fine building but poked away back on old Methodist Church property it is almost out of sight and our frank street so much in need of buildings to fill the terrible gap, since that fire three years ago but there are always a few selfish people run things. We would not have been surprised to see you walk in as twas reported Jim S [Smyth?] was coming to town by first of August, well, when you do we shall be glad to see you and make our home your heard quarters. Our porch is very comfortable, new couch hammock and so on, flower boxes looking fine - if everything turns out right I leave next wk [week] for [Duacorida?]. Montana to visit [Poss?] Give my kindest wishes to your mother and sisters also rest of family not forgetting big share for yourself sincerely annie A. briny |