Title: | William Wade, London to Joseph Brobston, Philadelphia. |
ID | 3151 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Wade, William/55 |
Year | 1796 |
Sender | Wade, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | London, England |
Destination | Philadelphia, Penn., USA |
Recipient | Brobston, Joseph |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | nephew-uncle |
Source | T 1269/2: Copied by Permission of Joseph Brobston Esq., 352 Belvedere Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, USA. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9404150 |
Date | 03/05/1796 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | Document added by LT, 20:04:1994. |
Word Count | 1066 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | London 3rd May Dear Uncle, Some time ago I received a letter from Ireland which informed me of the welfare of all our relations but that my Grandfather and Grandmother were much declined since you left them partly owing to their advancing old age but considerably encreaced [increased?] by the absence of their Children - Their hearing of your sickness also gave them much uneasiness - They therefore desired that I should immediately send you a letter to inform you of the above at the same time streneously [strenuously?] to beg your quick return to Ireland as unless you do they will be forced to part with the Land as Grandfather's age will not permit him to see after it. They also think the American Climate was the principal cause of your late illness which they think might induce you to return had you no other Notin [Notion?] in view but it would give them most infinite satisfaction - They likewise desired me to let you know that should you not have a sufficiency to carry you to Europe they are willing to assist you - If then you think proper to fulfill [fulfil?] the above request let me have an immediate answer and at all events send me a letter as I should be rejoiced to hear from you - The passage I make no doubt would be attended with danger and expence [expense?] but if America does not answer the expectations you entertained of it before you left Ireland I think the present offer of your Parents not by any means unacceptable as I think you and your family might do very well in your native Country my Grandfather and Grandmother I am certain would receive you with open arms - But on the Contrary If America is answerable both to your health and success in buisiness [business?] it would not be proper to advise you to return to Ireland. In a letter a few days ago from my Mother I was given to understand that your Uncle Robt [Robert?] Black was dead but the disease nor the particulars were not specified - As I am now in a place where you might expect I should know a great many of the affairs of Europe I have collected some political facts for your [perusal?]. We are full of the expectation of peace all last winter but our hopes are fled and we are reduced to the miserable certainty of at least another Campaign - indeed the situation of Europe is at present extremely critical - Russia seems to meditate on attack on Sweden and the [Porte?] while England, Austria & Sardinia wage an unequal war with France - Spain seems anxious to circumscribe the ambition of Russia and has organised an armed neutrality for that purpose. Thus we are likely to have a general war all over Europe and when it will end it is out of the power of the accurate politician to conjecture - The campaign is opined [opened?] with the capture of several frigates from the enemy but which is more than counter balanced by two brilliant victories the French have obtained over the Austrians and Sardinians in Italy the first was on the 14th April and by the skilfull [skillful?] arrangement of the French generals and superior energy of their troops the allies were defeated with the loss of 2000 killed and wounded and as many prisoners - The second Battle was on the 17th when there were 2500 additional Austrians slain and 8000 taken prisoners The prices of [?] and one General officer. The loss of the French was not [stated?] The consequence resulting from these victories must be immense as it leaves all Austrian Lombardy the richest part of the Emperor's dominions the [?] and the King of Sardinia's Dominions open to the French and if (as is generally believed) the Italians are favourable to the French the most important changes may arise from these Battles. Our Domestic Politics are very much circumscribed by the restraining power of two Bills passed this session of Parliment [Parliament?] Generally called "Convention and [Treason?] Bills" and for the attention of the People being turned from political questions to the more interesting one of war and [?] - However some of the actions of our detested minister should not be passed over unnoticed he has laid the nation under an unaccountable debt (which is perpetually increasing) to pay the interest of this; New and unheard of taxes are daily laid on by him and his influence in Parliment [Parliament?] He scarcely knows what more taxes to lay on man and now the brute [creation?] began to put his taxation powers three shillings for keeping one dog and fore [four?] for two or more per head yearly - This ambition is such that it is not easy to determine what he is intent on - he robs his native Country and sends the fruit of his injustice as [he Rides?] [?] powers in order to [make?] them into an alliance against the freedom of Frenchmen but it will be all in vain - they will be free and their freedom will perhaps stimulate other nations to follow their example - - Respecting the affairs of Ireland I know but little but that there is frequent skirmishes between the Protestants and Catholics originating from their religeous [religious?] opinions but which is greatly increaced [increased?] by Government for Political purposes least [lest?] the [they?] should unite together and gain an independancy [independency?] from Great Brittain [Britain?] - The sittuation [situation?] I was in for nearly two years I have left because I could not obtain liberty to attend lectures - I live now with my [?]end and Gen'rous [generous?] friend Mr Seaton who gives me the liberty denied in my last sittuation [situation?] and as much yearly pay. I have nothing more worth informing you a but [about?] but Remember me to my Uncle Robt [Robert?] and Aunts - And be so Good as to give me an immediate answer Directing to me at Mr Seaton's No 37 [King?] Street Westminster London I shall expect every particular of your affairs in America (as to your buisiness [business?]) will be specified in it that I may send home an account of the same to my Grandfather - I remain With the utmost respect your ever affectionate [nephew?] William Wade |