Title: | John Walker, Caulfield, Ontario to Andrew Lowry, Co Donegal |
ID | 3159 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Walker, John/16(2) |
Year | 1893 |
Sender | Walker, John |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | agricultural machinery salesman |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Canfield, Ontario, Canada |
Destination | Ballindrait, Co. Donegal, Ireland |
Recipient | Lowry, Andrew |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | nephew-uncle |
Source | [?] Canfield, Haldemand Co., Ontario, Canada #TYPE EMG John Walker, Caulfield, Ontario, Canada to Andrew Lowry, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, 7 May 1893. |
Archive | Public Record Office, N. Ireland |
Doc. No. | 8905061 |
Date | 07/05/1893 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | 28:06:1989 LT created 22:11:1990 GC input 30:11:19 |
Word Count | 456 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Mr Andrew Lowry, Argrey Raphoe Cy [County?] Donegal Ireland Caufield 7.5.93 Dear Uncle I now take the oppertunity [opportunity?] of sending you these few lines to let you know that we are all well, hoping to hear from you all Enjoying the same we had a verry [very?] dry Summer though hay was a Big crop, there was hundreds of tons of hay from here shipped to the old Country fall wheat as a whole in under average But a verry [very?] good sampler the farmers are Buisy [busy?] thrashing fall wheat at present although a good deal of the Spring crop is not cut yet Oats & peas are a good crop, potatoes and roots are an Extra crop, you wanted to know how Auctioneers were paid in this Country. Well it is just as you Can Make a Bargain with proprietor some of them will sell verry [very?] cheap as low as $5.00 for an afternoons sale I do not have to get down to that I sell all by per ct [cent?] 1 1/2 cts [cents?] on dollar I have quite a number of Sales from $1,500 to $3,000 so one & one half % pays verry [very?] well. I have sold a Sale as low as $10.00 but not many we only Sell in spring & fall I will be starting about middle of september then of [off?] & on till New Year I send you a paper with this letter and Enclose a circular of our hay forks you ought to see them work it would make you Smile Manual labour [labour?] is getting to be a thing of the past with us Even to sit in a good spring seat to plow [plough?] Machines for Lifting hay out of the [Win?]row & putting it on Wagon Our Binders Carry their Sheaves till they [hose?] & Stook then drop them, all the farmer has to do is go & set them on End the Sowing is chiefly all done with the drill or Broadcast Seeder which Sows any kind of grain any quanitiy [quantity?] to the acre you wish and Sows the grass seed at the Same time We have not got our photos taken yet Mother & I are going to dunnville next week we will get them taken probably I will be able to send you one in our next letter Mrs [Cranstons?] family were all well the last we heard from them Mr Lowry & family are well we see them Every day Mother says you Might take a trip over & see us if not she has a good notion to go herself - give Our Love to all Enquiring friends. Mother Sends her love to you all I remain your Affectionate Nephew Jno [John?] Walker Caufield P.O Ont. [Ontario?] write soon |