Title: | John Walker, Canfield, Ontario to Andrew Lowry, Co. Donegal. |
ID | 3166 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Walker, John/60 |
Year | 1892 |
Sender | Walker, John |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Canfield, Ontario, Canada |
Destination | Ballindrait, Co. Donegal, Ireland |
Recipient | Lowry, Andrew and family |
Recipient Gender | male-female |
Relationship | nephew-uncle / cousins |
Source | T 2018/28: Copied by Permission of Miss K. Lowry, Argrey, Raphoe, Co. Donegal. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 8903066 |
Date | 04/04/1892 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by JM 15:11:1993. |
Word Count | 616 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Andrew Lowry, Argrey Raphoe Cy [County?] Donegal Ireland Canfield 4.4.92 [4 April 1892?] Dear Uncle & Family I Received yours of the 10th of March and was glad to hear you were all well. but with heart felt sorrow I now write to inform you of Uncle John Lowrie's death, he was in our house on 17 of March - and I was joking with him about St. Patricks day in the morning and was in best of spirit I told him I was going to Caufield for the mail I would be home at one O'Clock he said he would come Back at One, and he came just as I got home got his mail & went Right home and Started Reading, he was taken with pain in the Stomach half an hour after going home and went to Bed they went for the doctor and as soon as he saw him he told them he would never Rise again he seemed to get a Little Better and they sent for the doctor again - and he came and he came the third time But all was avail he died on friday Morning april 1st at half past 2 just Exactly 8 yrs after his Brother Alex Both of them on April 1st Uncle John had inflamation [inflammation?] of the Lungs and was troubled with his Kidneys and was verry [very?] weak he did not seem to have much pain only weakness - if had lived till 25 August he would have been 75 years old I took mother down to see him every day till the End the Last day he did not know any Body, his daughter Mrs Cranston came out from Hamilton to help wait on him and stayed till he was Laid at Rest his daughter in Oneida was not able to see him She is Expecting Every day to be sick and was not able to come & see him her husband was over to the funeral - Mother keeps smart she is able to be around all the time But sometimes feel verry [very?] weak this death is quite a shock to her for we will miss him as much as his own family for he never missed a day and oftener twice a day than once the funeral Left the House at 2 p.m. Sunday 3rd Inst., and was Largely attended people came from far & near for he was well known as a good Cristian [Christian?] a Kind father and a man that did not have an enemy in the World, the Service Was conducted By the Rev Wm [William?] Penman for Revelation [Revelations?] XIV = XIII and was well delivered. The Rest of the family are all well at Present Mrs. Lowry will be going Back to her daughter #PAGE 2 Mrs Knox in Aneida [Oneida?] to wait on her she was there when Uncle John was taken sick and I telegraphed to her and went to the train and fetched her home - we had any Amount of snow this winter in fact good sleighing all the time But it is all gone the fall wheat Looks splendid grass is Beginning to Look green and the farmers will soon be at their seeding I send you another paper with this Letter and we were glad to hear you were all well hoping you & yours may long enjoy that great Blessing for we have had Bible Truths set verry [very?] Prominent before us this winter for we know not what a day or an hour may Bring forth hoping we may all be prepared for that great & Solemn change that awaits us all I will give you all particulars in my next I Remain Your Affectionate Nephew Jno [John?] Walker Canfield P.O. [Post Office?] Ont [Ontario?] Write soon |