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Title: "Loving Mother & Sisters", Edenclaw to "Dear Annie".
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileWeir Family/96
SenderWeir Family
Sender Gender
Sender Occupationfarmers
Sender Religionunknown
OriginEdenclaw, Co. Fermanagh, N.Ireland
DestinationMichigan, USA
RecipientWeir, Annie
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceCopyright Retained by Linda Weir, Tirmacspird, Lack, Co.Fermanagh, BT93 0SA.
ArchiveUlster American Folk Park.
Doc. No.9905049
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLTE
LogDocument added by LT, 12:05:99.
Word Count493
TranscriptEdenclaw 21/9/90

Dear Annie.
It was a surprise
when we got yours yesterday. Mother
was so glad to hear you were well
as this leaves us in at present
Thank God for it Mother is a good
deal better now though not quite
strong yet the harvest is not a good
one this time we have a good lot
of corn cut but were not done yet
the last week has been wet and
windy we had the hay all up
before the wet came so we had
not much trouble with it
we will soon have winter again
as the weather is getting cold
Andrew Knox has sold Emerys
place again to his brother Thomas
he gave us a great deal of bother
about that old bog I dont know
how we will do now he is not much
the better of it (sic) he has lost a cow
and [Kate?] is simple people say
but we dont know much about them
It was old debt for the place Mr
Atthill was in for to Miss Porter you
may have heard about it Miss [Amy?]
will write this evening she told me
today she says she has so much
to do that she would not consider
any harm to write on Sunday
she has promised it many a
time she will redeem it now
she says we like her very well
she is so kind and good I still
take an interest in the sending
of a paper and we will send
you one anytime we can
Mother is able to go about
pretty well we have been busy
with the harvest this time
back so we must be excused
now we will write a long
letter again I hope you will
come home some day but not
soon the weather is rough
so we had a good deal of
trouble with the corn we have
none stacked yet it takes
such a long time to go from [this?]
that that we count it buried
in the dead past every
item of our lives [seems?] to work
out the plan of a Fathers hand
some day we will meet and
then you will know something
of the hearts you left behind
Willie Weir need not complain
if they have enough to do
besides writing to him they
say he is doing well out there
but it is hard for him for to forsake
his father and sisters for sake of wealth
but our notions are rather obtruse
in such matters Rosey says she
would write but you wouldnt care
for it as she is not fond of writing
Maggie is a good girl and lively
but Rose is quiet and retiring
in disposition and Johnny he is
to Mother the best of the party
but there is not much news
Lizzie Taylor is gone today to America
because a person wont marry her
but excuse this short reply
from your loving Mother and Sisters.