Title: | [Isabella Weir?], Stockton, to [Annie Weir?], [?] |
ID | 3234 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Weir, Isabella/82 |
Year | 1890 |
Sender | Weir, Isabella (Bell) |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | asylum attendant |
Sender Religion | Episcopalian |
Origin | Stockton, California, USA |
Destination | Pontiac, Michigan, USA |
Recipient | Weir, Annie |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | sisters |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mrs Linda Weir, Tirmacspird, Lack, Co. Fermanagh, BT93 OSA. |
Archive | Ulster American Folk Park. |
Doc. No. | 9906082 |
Date | 16/12/1890 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 18:06:99. |
Word Count | 297 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Stockton Dec 16 1890 Dear Sister I have waited For some time For a letter from you and Finally concluded to write I had a good letter From home yesterday There was no particular news They were all well I had a letter From Mrs Kelly a few days ago I think some of sending her something But it costs So much to Send So Far I ought to Send Mr Wood too But I dont know what to Send His pictures I have almost fell in love with he is much too good For me I have almost Caught a Handsome Irishman that Stops at the Hotel of my Friend as he Thinks he has got me I have not seen Mrs Kimball since I wrote to you everything is very quiet about The Asylum two Attendants were discharged one for allowing a patient to Escape and did not miss her until she was gone one night She had Been There Eighteen or 20 years the other was There For Several years The Dr [doctor?] is making the Rules much Stricter and I think There will Be more Chance of Vacancies It is So Cold here today although There is no signs of Snow yet it has Been very Cold in The Asylum But They are Having a New Boiler Fired now we have lots of Green Grapes and Green Onions yes for the table I Send you a Chinese Silk Handkerchief It is not what I would like to Give if I was nearer But I must Be Content I am Feeling well and Growing [fleshy?] Hoping This Will Find you well and that your Chrismas [Christmas?] will Be a pleasant one and your New Year Full of Joy is The Earnest Wish of your Sister Bell Write Soon |