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Title: George Wood, Michigan, to [Anna Weir?], [?]
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileWood, George R/27
SenderWood, George R.
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationasylum attendant
Sender ReligionBaptist
OriginKalamazoo, Michigan, USA
DestinationPontiac, Michigan, USA
RecipientWeir, Annie
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceCopyright retained by Mrs Linda Weir, Tirmacspird, Lack, Co. Fermanagh, BT93 OSA
ArchiveThe Ulster American Folk Park
Doc. No.9906062
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 15:06:99.
Word Count206
TranscriptThe Kalamazoo,
Kalamazoo, Mich.

May th23 1891

Dear frind [friend?]
I now take the Pleasure
of answearing [answering?] your note
wich [which?] i received before I
left I just had a lovely
time down in [Sagnaw?]
with my frinds [friends?] I was
down to Flint Asylum
that his [is?] not much of a
Place it is a small
Buiding and I was to the
Deaf and dum [dumb?] School and
now I am in Kalamazoo
and I was up to the
Asylum this morning
and put in my Appacations [applications?]
and I expect to start
wark [work?] next week if all his [is?]
well it his [is?] not like the
E.M.A. [East Michigan Asylum?] the Buildings
are seprate [separate?] and I dont think
it is so neet [neat?] but they give
better wages and that his [is?]
what we want his [is?] money
I ham [am?] one of the worst men
when I ham [am?] doing nothing
I get uneasy and cant rest
like all the other good People
do well Annie I think
there his [is?] no more at Present
but give my Best wishes to
my Frind [friend?] Miss Harrison
So good by [bye?] and Pleasant Dreams
to you From your Frind [friend?]

adress [address?]
Mr. George R. Wood
P.O. Kalamazoo
Mich [Michigan?]
I hope to hear from you