Title: | Robert Wray, Washington County, To His Family, Coleraine. |
ID | 3419 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Wray, Robert/26 |
Year | 1822 |
Sender | Wray, Robert |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | teacher? |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Washington Co., Penn., USA |
Destination | Coleraine, Co. Derry, N.Ireland |
Recipient | unknown |
Recipient Gender | male-female |
Relationship | writes to his family |
Source | T.1727/5: Copied By Permission of Messrs Wray & Baxter, Solicitors, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry. #TYPE EMG Robert Wray, Washington County, To His Mother, Brother & Sister, Coleraine, Co Londonderry. 8th February 1822. |
Archive | Public Record Office Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 8901007 |
Date | 08/02/1822 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | 17:01:1989 GC created 13:02:1989 PG input 19:04:19 |
Word Count | 950 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Washington County Feby 8th 1822 Mr Thos [Thomas?] Wray Quilley. To the care of, Mr Danl. [Daniel?] O'Kain [O'Kane] Mercht [Merchant?] Coleraine Ireland politeness of Mr Jas [James?] Dunlap. Cash paid Postage 3 1/2d By By Danl [Daniel?] O'Kane Dear Mother Brother and Sister, I am happy to have this favourable opportunity of writing to you from a far distant Country but not forgotten, nor never will be when I wrote to you last I thought that I was altogether forgot by you, and I had give up all hopes of ever hearing from you again but very unexpectedly and much to my satisfaction I had the happiness of receiving a letter from my affectionate Cousin John Wray, which was no little sattisfaction [satisfaction?] to me to hear that you were all well (Likewise Jas. [James?] got one from you at the same time) I got mine Jan [January?] twelfth but he got his a few days before on the account of me being so far from the office but the [they?] were both together Dear Mother, I am very happy to hear that you have a good state of health and that things are somewhat more agreeable than they were during the time that I was with you, for I can assure you that it did grieve me very much when I saw the state that the family was in but I hope that it was all for your good both now and here after. I hope Dear Mother that you will excuse me for the many times that i have sleighted [slighted?] your caution and good advise [advice?] which has proven to me a great remorse since I left you, but I hope that your attention in setting me a good example shall, with the assistance of Divine aid prove to my future happiness and eternal welfare. although crosses and losses are allotted to us here we must not forget the one thing needful and to make a wise improvement of time for a vast eternity for we are told that whown [when?] the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scurgeth [scourgeth?] every son and Daughter that he receiveth. Dear Mother I am happy to inform you of James's conduct since we left you for he has behaved himself very prudently in all respects he is now teaching school in Pittsburgh [Pittsburg?] and intends going to the College in the beginning of summer Dear Brother, this is the fourth time that I have wrote to you and I have not received one from you yet but perhaps it is on the account of Cousin John writing, (which I am very much obliged to him for so doing) but I have not of importance to write to you at this time, only finding a convenient way of sending them, and as I am glad to hear from you every convenient opportunity. I have that foolish notion that you will be the same with me, when I was with you I rather discouraged you from coming to this country, it is true you live easier than ever you could expect to do here but if the family were all willing to come you could obtain more property than ever you can do in Ireland for land is very cheap at this time for money is very scarce, but I will not advise you for to come or not for fear that it might not be according to your expectations - I am still at the same employment and in the same place as when I wrote to you before, we had not any word from Brother John this two or three Months, the last account we had he mentioned of going to his farm and quit Teaching school and I hope Dear Brother that you will bemind but of your age Mother, for if I had known the worth of a Mother as I now do the want of one I would a have been more attentive than I was when I had the favourable opportunity of attending to her admonitions, and as you now become a Parent yourself I hope that it shall have a greater effect upon your mind. - Dear Sister, according to the statement of My much respected Cousin, I am very happy to hear that there is a much more reconcilation [reconciliation?] in the family than there were some time ago, which I hope shall have the happy tendency of uniting you all once more in the bonds of unity and peace - and I hope that you will excuse of taking this liberty that as you will remember my [kin[d]?] affectionate Mother -; I must conclude, hoping that these few lines will find you all in good health as the [they?] leave me at present, thanks be to the giver of all good for his mercies towards me.- Give my best respects to all enquiring friends to [too?] but in particular to Uncle Wray and family, [Martha?] McEleavy and family. John Tate and family, John Cochran Senr[Senior?], and family, Saml.[Samuel?] Cochran and family, not forgetting Cathrine McFaul and family, all our acquaintances that lives here about Pittsburgh [Pittsburgh?] that I mentioned before are well I seen last week J. Camron, J. Duma, Jas [James?] Gugan, Jas. [James?] Andrew, A. Mowrey, A,, McClean - Write to me every opportunity and I will do the same No more at present while I remain your affectionate Son and Brother untill [until?] Death __________________ Robert Wray Mr Thos [Thomas?] Wray The bearer of this and one to Cousin John is a young man of the name of Mr Jas [James?] Dunlap Town of maine Part of Balteagh and County of Londonderry and if you have time to go to him he could give a great deal of satisfaction about this place the Jacksons at Uncle Brook's are relations of his no more at present but remain yours Robert |