Title: | Hamilton Young, New York, to "Dear Matty", Ireland. |
ID | 3453 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Young, Hamilton/44 |
Year | 1787 |
Sender | Young, Hamilton |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | goods trader |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | New York, USA |
Destination | Belfast, N.Ireland |
Recipient | Young, Martha |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | siblings |
Source | D 729/22: Presented by Miss Duffin, Mount Pleasant, Stranmillis, Belfast. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9604022 |
Date | 03/07/1787 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 04:04:96. |
Word Count | 436 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Dear Matty New York 3 July 1787 There was a Capt Scott here in July 1775 employed by W C who recd [received?] from Jacob Albright a [hhds?] [time?] to sell & pay the [proudy?] to Mr Norris. I think he is brother to Sally Scott from Bangor, will you inquire about it as he has never paid the money I am in hope of receiving some money on the two Bonds between this & the next pacquet, if not I shall endeavour to remit you by my bill or on London on as much as will with whats in Wm [William?] Norris's hands pay of [off?] Mrs Clark, I shall get him to assist you in negotiating the order I may give. Youl [you will?] observe I calculate [account?] about this time of 100 to him. The 29th past I recd. [received?] your wellcome [welcome?] favor 23 April & am pleased to find Mr Sadler has represented the affairs here as they realy [really?] are & hope to be able to get them settled soon after his return I am glad to hear of his [joining?] in Matrimony I never hesitate meeting Mr Waddell upon the affairs of the late House, but it is not proper for me to have any further intimacy his Father left but 500 & he recd [received?] 200 of it from Cunningham in the year 1761, you know my Sentiments of the later what you mention to be sent in [Line?] it will enable him to pay his part of the Company Debts, no doubt you will show Mr Isaac & Mr Campbell the books when you know what they say inspecting their affairs. I was in hopes of hearing from the farmer. I shoud [should?] think from the indulgence you give the Tenants they shoud [should?] be more punctual by [every?] information I can get they rent their farms on Moderate terms. I am sorry for the Death of poor Paterson [Patterson?] The parties you mention took the last method of setling [settling?] their difference, did McCulloch marry one of James Browns Sisters, he was here During the war & an intimate friend of mine. I was always at a loss to know how the former came by so great a fortune. I find the April pacquet arrived in 25 days will you get one of the Tenants to collect a bushell of [WhinSird?] Mr Apthorpe wants it sown round his fences, with Compl [compliments?] to all friends & Love to our Sisters I am Dr [dear?] Matty Your ever [afft?] [affectionate?] Br [brother?] [&c?] pacqt [pacquet?] Belfast HY Hamilton?] [Young?] [&c?] pacqt [pacquet?] |