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Title: A. A. Longstreet, Fairview, to Isabella Allen, New York.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Filelongstreet, a. a/220
SenderLongstreet, A.A.
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationupper-middle class housewife
Sender Religionunknown
OriginFairview, Georgia, USA
DestinationNew York, USA
RecipientAllen, Isabella
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceD1558/1/2/42: Presented by the late F.D. Campbell Allen Esq., 15London Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Doc. No.9803625
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLTE
LogDocument added by LT, 27:03:98.
Word Count1974
TranscriptFairview. Monday March 10th, 13th, 18th or 19th 1839.

Instead, My Dear Mrs Allen, of wearing
such an elongated countenance upon discovering this
epistle comes neither from "Rosa or Eliza" you should
congratulate yourself that I have not tormented you
before. For the last three weeks I have been obliged
to lock up pens, ink &c for whenever writing materials
caught my eye I found myself involuntarily scribbling
to you. Perhaps you may be tempted to say, and why
delay so long? because you did not once ask me to
write in your letter. But Mr Allen, who has more of
the "milk of human kindness" in his composition, (as
I often told you) than his sapient help-mate can
boast of, very kindly said in his last letter that
you hoped to receive a reply to yours. For some time
after you left I was inconsolable for I could not
refrain from constantly scouring to the irreparable
loss I had sustained; in short, to make a beautiful
simile, I went about like Noah's "Unconsolate Widow".
One of my most poignant regrets, which "stang like a
scorpion and bit like an adder" was, that I had not
suffered myself to be weighed when you so ardently
desired it, I consequently went next day to Mr.
Dunlop's, like a condemned criminal, and found that
between fifteen and one hundred and fifty was my exact
weight in pounds.
Louisa, Harriet and myself devote one hour to
intellectual pursuits daily; you would be astonished
to hear what rapid strides we are making in historic
love. Every bright blue sky I look upon recalls you
forcibly to my mind, every cloudy day brings our
happy childhood at Larne to my imagination, every
rainy day compels me to think of the memorable rain
through North Carolina so that between the clear,
cloudy and rainy days, I think of naught save you,
three thirds of the nights also are devoted to you and
I only fill up the intersions with sleep and now and
again a truant thought to Dick L[uirnling?].
If you are not thinking too much of home and could
take a peep at Fairview today I am sure you would say
"how beautiful!!!" The peach, plum, and jasmine are
in bloom, Christopher Columbus is warbling forth his
sweetest strains and last but not least the writer
looks peculiarly interesting for she has her auburn
ringlets arranged just as you admire them. You may
perhaps recollect a small wild flower which Louisa
gave you that was put in a wineglass. I have it yet
in the same place you left it and whenever I feel like
I was most beginning to think of forgetting you I turn
to that, as the traveller does to the oasis of the
desert and love and hope remain, I cannot refrain from
watering it sometimes with my tears as the chilling
saddening thought comes over me, that we may never
meet again. Oswell sends a kiss to you (would that
I could imprint it) and says he wishes you would come
back as he has nobody to tickle him now, neither have
I. Mrs Brysons health has improved very much since
you left she enquires always particularly after you,
and desires always to be remembered to you so also
does Mrs Moore and Mrs Clarke. Mr Robert C is
"despised and requited" by all the ladies sans
exception. We moved to town the week Mr Buckingham
lectured and were all delighted with him. I fondly
hoped that I might be successful in catching some beau
worth having. I threw out my nets accordingly but
only one presented himself and he was such a little
mite of a creature that I turned up my olfactories at
him, ergo he made his bow and exit. So that I have
returned to the hill still Miss L. [Longstreet?] and
likely to continue so till my sick tall missionary
comes this way. You may perhaps smile and think my
missionary notions only the result of a fertile
imagination, but I as earnestly hope and pray that I
may become one at some period of my life as I hope to
see you if not in this, in that better world "where
the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at
rest". Believe me, Dear Mrs Allen, I have more
serious thoughts than you would imagine, my hilarity,
levity, buoyant spirits are daily, hourly sources of
regret and sins to be repented of but I have so much
of old Adam in my nature that it seems impossible to
surrender this my besetting sin. Through the papers I
ve [I've ?] see the death of Miss C. Knowles mentioned
which is to be regretted if we ought to regret that
another redeemed spirit has been added to the choir above.
Nothing humbles me more than the death of friends for
I hear as it were their voices from the grass saying
"be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not
the Sin of man cometh." Aunt Smith has been
indisposed for a day or two but has recovered again
she and all the family send love to you and respects
to Mr Allen. I hope you are not beginning to feel
tired reading if you are I am sorry for I am not
weary writing yet so turn over.
Hannah and myself expect to visit Charleston, where
I hope we will meet with a better reception than you
did. I regret very much you were so crowded. I was,
as you seemed to imagine, perfectly horrified at the
idea of your visit to the ball and for the space of a
second and a half was speechless. But seriously I
wish you could have gone so that you might see some of
the belles and beauty of the matchless "Queen of the
South" and the more do I regret it as you were
presented by cold. We will leave next week and remain
about a month; don't let that prevent you from
writing, for you must be sure to send a letter before
you leave and direct it for this place. Elizabeth
will leave in three weeks for France as Dr Paul and
wife have offered to take her, she will be absent
until the fall we will all feel her loss keenly. Han
[Hannah?] and I especially. Knowing you take a deep
interest in all the members of the Longstreet family,
to omit any would be an unpardonable fault,
consequently Emma and our, red hair Brother the pride
of the house will stay at the cottage with Aunt Adams
this summer and I prognosticate forget the little
knowledge they have acquired during the winter. I
understand "Our young Friend" was seen in the stage
hastening to Belfast singing the following words with
If ever I be so very lucky
As for to get back to my own home
Neither Texas, Georgia or Kentucky
Shall ever make me again roam.
Ooh St Patrick ye. ye.
I am willing to think that he was ready to sacrifice
every thing for rhyme which was his only object for
putting Texas before Our noble "free and enlightened"
I have not seen the Lizard family since you left.
Aunt Campbell will have to answer for the sin of
destroying their habitation as she had the tree cut
down a few days since. Another mocking bird was
caught the week you left, I called it Isabella not so
much after the patroness of Columbus as for a Dear
Friend of mine. Like its illustrious namesake it ate
nothing and drank less but seemed to pine for its
native soil after living in this way it became defunct
and the verdict was brought in by the coroners namely
died of voluntary starvation and involuntary
captivity. I have not heard "Fly to the desert" since
you left no do I desire to until I hear you again.
I have become wonderfully attached to the "Elegy in a
Country Churchyard" and my only reason is that
Lichquer Caden loved it too. Miss Larmour spent last
week in Augusta. I think I would like her better were
she less taciturn. I have only room on this page to
ask how your "R.J." and Cairngraigham are? and if any
of your birds have flown away yet.
When you go home do ask Miss Porter to correspond
with me, Have you finished her gloves? Present my
regards to you Peri and Meri when you see them.
Compliments to "Pig Wig" and Mr Porter. Compounded
regards to Rosa, Doubled and twisted remembrance to
Eliza. Kisses to the "Dear Dog" and don't forget
Sheridan. Ask Elizabeth Thompson and Mary Erquart
to come and see me, Tell Mrs Wilson to send me some
of the latest fashions of capes and buy from Miss
Armstrong a ribbon for me, beg Mrs Workman to make
a Lord and despatch it immediately. Say to Mary,
Jimmy, David, Thomas and Charley and all the rest of
the white negroes that I have not forgotten them; all
the black ones here, send black love to you from Old
Cloe down to Ned.
I found a little scrap of muslin of yours and the
piece cut from your cape both of which I have put with
Mr Allens buttons, the pin, orange flowers
hair-oil and countless other momentos among which is
Mrs Porters wedding belt (part of it rather). Ask
"Rosa" to send a bit of her cake to dream on, I
suppose Kate (strange to tell I've forgotten her
surname but I'll ask Mr Allen to write it for me and
send it back by the express mail as I know you will
not) will be the manufactures of the fabric. I
understand when you get home your house kitchen &c.
will be a model for others, Perhaps I may come our
[over ?]some of these days to try your potato puddings.
(I was just on the point of adding if you promise not to
show me the door but I won't do it for I am sure you
will secure your hospitality).
It would be impossible for imagination to portray or
fancy to picture a more industrious individual than I
have become since you the personification of idleness
have been removed. I will have enmeasurate size
almost hemmed one side of a kerchief, liked to have
made a cap for Aunt and nearly completed a childs knit
glove. I must really make a multiplicity of excuses
for daring to send you, Dear Eaden, such a laconic
epistle but I hear there are half a dozen young
gentlemen down stairs must therefore tear myself away
from lore and thee to see what these youths can want
with me. Aunt sends love to you and Mr Allen to which
the whole family add theirs. And now Dearest I must
say, Farewell. When you have nothing else to do will
you think and write sometimes to one who though
distant can never forget you?
Your ever fondly attached
This seems to be the last link that connects us
together and fair would I linger a little longer and
write another and another line but time tells me I
must send my letter this afternoon if I want it
perused in America and as I am quite sure it is not
fit for Ireland I will close.
Five times have I attempted to put the seal in, but
found I could not I will now be obliged not for want
of ideas (such as they are) for they seem to flow
faster and thicker as I approach the close but for
room I've only space to say yours till tomorrow
A. A. Longstreet
x x x x x x x x tomorrow hath never yet,
Or any being rose or set.