Title: | Emma McClintock, U.S.A., to "My Dear Sir". |
ID | 3771 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | mcclintock, emma/25 |
Year | 1937 |
Sender | McClintock, Emma |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | upper middle-class socialite |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Huntington, West Virginia, USA |
Destination | Ireland |
Recipient | unknown |
Recipient Gender | unknown |
Relationship | searching for info on ancestry |
Source | D3561/A/5/1: Deposited by Dr. E.R. Green. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9806310 |
Date | 10/10/1937 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 15:06:98. |
Word Count | 152 |
Genre | |
Note | (Parents were Charles McClintock and Adeline Richey; lived in the Charles Ritter household with his wife Mabel) Source: http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cabell/genealogy/d160.html |
Transcript | Ritter Place, Huntington, West Va. [West Virginia?], U.S.A. Oct. 10th, 1937. My dear Sir: I am interested in looking up my ancestors, the McClintocks. The one that I know of furthest back is Hugh, born 1750. He had many relatives in Pennsylvania, but there is no record who his father or mother were. I found a record that says that Gilbert McClintock, a Scotchman, was killed in a feud. That he had three sons. One was in the Siege of Londonderry, 1688, one was killed, one went to Raphoe. That James McClintock came from Raphoe to America. He had four daughters:- Rachel, Mary, Sarah, Ann, and one son James, one Sam. Have you any word of any McClintocks that came to America? Will you kindly give dates, too. Hugh lived in the same county in Pennsylvania that James did, and I thot [thought?] they might be brothers, and sons of Gilbert. I shall be so pleased to hear something from you soon. Gratefully, (Miss) Emma McClintock. Word count: 152 |