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Title: Congress Held at Fort Stanwix.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Sender Genderunknown
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginFort Stanwix, Roma, New York, USA
Recipient Genderunknown
Relationshipre terrritorial politics
SourceThe Belfast News Letter, 13 January 1769.
ArchiveThe Central Library, Belfast.
Doc. No.9412129
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT/JW, 11:12:1994.
Word Count322

New-York, Nov. 14. His Excellency Wm. Franklin, Esq.,
Governor of New Jersey, the Hon. Frederic Smith, Chief
Justice of New Jersey, the Hon. Thomas Walker, Esq.
Commissioner from Virginia, and the Rev. Mr. Peters,
and James Tilgham, Esq., of the Council of Pennsylvania,
with several other Gentlemen, returned here a few days
ago from Fort Stanwix, where they have been attending
the congress held by the Hon. Sir William Johnson,
Bart, with the fix United Nations and their Tributaries.
We hear that about 3200 Indians from the different
tribes of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagoes, Seneca,
Cayugas, Tufcororas, Coghnowages, Onoghguagocs,
Tuteloes, Shawanese, Delawares, Mingoes of Ohio,
Nanticockes, Conoys, Chugnots, Schosas and Orifcas,
met Sir William at Fort William at Fort Stanwix, on
the very important business recommended by the King's
Ministers. And we have now the pleasure to be informed
that by his unwearied application, address, and
extraordinary influence (which never appeared more
conspicious than on this occasion) the fix Nations
and all their Tributaries have granted a vast extent
of country to his Majesty, and the Proprietaries of
Pennsylvania, and settled an advantageous boundry line
between the Hunting Country and this and other Colonies
to the Southward, as far as the Cherokee River; for
which they received the most valuable present in goods
and dollars that was ever given at any conference,
since the settlement of America. An uncommon sobriety
and good humour prevailed through all the numerous
Indian camps for above [about?] seven weeks, and the
Sachems and Warriors departed from the congress in a
very happy disposition of mind, from a firm persuasion
of mind, from a firm persuasion, that his Majesty will
gratify them in their just and reasonable expectations.
It is earnestly to be hoped that grand cession and
boundary will be rightly improved, as they will
undoubtedly secure the future tranquility of these
colonies, and be productive of lasting commerical
advantages to them and Great Britain.