Title: | Letter to Emigrants from British Vice-Consul, New York |
ID | 389 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Buchanan, J.C/25 |
Year | 1833 |
Sender | Buchanan, James C. |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | politician |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | New York, USA |
Destination | Liverpool, England |
Recipient | Buchanan, D. |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | business |
Source | The Belfast Newsletter, Tuesday, 22 October, 1833 |
Archive | The Central Library, Belfast |
Doc. No. | 200443 |
Date | 22/10/1833 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 01:03:00. |
Word Count | 274 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | IMPORTANT TO EMIGRANTS. - A letter dated New-York, Sept. 7, from J. C. Buchanan, Esq. British Vice- Consul, and agent of the Canada Company, to D. Buchanan, Esq. of Liverpool, states as follows:- " I think it would be well if it were better understood on your side, respecting persons coming out to this country, say destined for Upper Canada, or elsewhere westward, that they have to pay duties on little articles which they commonly have - say articles of goods beyond their wearing apparel, such as linen not made up, tools, when the individuals are not mechanics, and the tools not in use, books, &c. &c. There is no drawback on goods going out of this country, when the duties are over fifty dollars, or in any case when they go out by inland navigation, so that our Upper Canada friends complain that this is not sufficiently known in Great Britain, in which case they would have sent these matters out by way of Quebec, save in the winter season. I wish very much our people could have this done for them, as this is certainly the best route both for expedition, safety and comfort: besides, this is a port which is open all the year round; but, as it is at present, it would be well to inform the emigrating public that there is a custom-house in New-York, and a tariff of duties, and that, however kindly disposed the officers in this department of the Government are in dealing with such cases, the duties must be collected. You must show this to the Government Agent for settlers in your town," &c. &c. |