Title: | Isabella Allen, Augusta, to 'My dear Sisters', Belfast |
ID | 39 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Allen, Isabella/112 |
Year | 1838 |
Sender | Allen, Isabella & W. J. Campbell Allen |
Sender Gender | female-female |
Sender Occupation | housewife-businessman |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | NYC, USA |
Destination | Belfast, N. Ireland |
Recipient | Marshall family |
Recipient Gender | male-female |
Relationship | daughter and sister / son-in-law, brother-in-law |
Source | D1558/1/2/38: The Papers of William John Campbell Allen, Deposited by F.D. Campbell Allen Esq., 15 London Road, Harrow-on-the-hill, Middlesex |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N. Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9910057 |
Date | 14/11/1838 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 22:10:99. |
Word Count | 2279 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Sandhills November 14th 1838 My dear Sisters My expectation of finding letters waiting for me in Augusta has been disappointed, and till after Friday I have no hope of receiving any. The arrival of the Liverpool is yet unannounced, and she must either have postponed her day of sailing, or some accident has happened to her. I see by the paper that the Great Western sails from New York on the 22nd and although only four days have passed since I last wrote, I do not like to allow a steampacket to cross the Atlantic without news from us. You will in all probability get this letter before the one I wrote on Sunday, which contained an account of our travels hither, but notwithstanding I shall begin where I then left off, and tell you what sort of an uncivilized, and barbarian land I have got into. At 2 O'Clock on Sunday the carriage came to drive us to the Sandhills. Mr Campbell has been for some time unwell, and been confined to his room, so that I only saw Mrs Campbell. She accompanied us out and is a very kind pleasant woman, doing all she can to make us comfortable; indeed although I have been here but two days I feel quite at home, and enjoy the quietness and peace after the bustle and whirl I have been in for the last three months. Well as I said we drove through a deep sandy road to our destination, which is a nice airy wooden house seated in the midst of trees, and commanding a view of Augusta and the plain below, we occupy a delightful room on the second floor, and find in it every comfort we could desire. There is little fear of my being lonely. Mrs Campbell has a niece a Miss Longstreet always resident with her, who is as full of life, and spirits as she can be. She reminds me of what [B--?] [Peg?] sometimes are when you get into one of your wild moods and draw the longbow. Close to us is Mr & Mrs Smiths abode, the latter a sister of Mrs Campbell, and step mother to two young ladies who will be frequent visitors here. Miss Margaret Black daughter of Mr B of Belfast was here the day I arrived, but is now gone to Charleston where she resides. I have books round me in abundance, and an excellent piano to practise on, and I intend to keep myself occupied with them so as to prevent my mind dwelling on the time of our return. The weather has been delightful since we arrived, the thermometer was 70 yesterday in the shade; and this day though not so bright is quite as mild, while at home I suppose you are perishing with cold every day. I and Miss Longstreet have taken a ramble through the woods. I am delighted with the magnificent blue sky which she from its frequency scarcely looks at. I could not on Monday do any thing but look at it; it was so blue, and cloudless, and the atmosphere so transparent. We wandered over the hill, which is composed completely of sand, like that on the sea shore, is uncovered with verdure and only produces oaks (now with the frost a brilliant crimson) and pines which are of the brightest green. I find no flowers, or rare plants to gather, for Knowly, crysanthemums a [sacression?] rose: or two, and a bunch of sweet scented violets, are the only productions of the kind I have seen, the last are like our spring violets, and grow here in the open air. What I miss most is the song of birds, as I walk through the woods, the grasshopper's chirp is the only sound I hear; and I listen in vain for any note more melodious. Mrs Campbell has a mocking bird in the parlour which I hope will before my departure have resumed it's song it is now silent for the winter: I am while living here strongly reminded of Drumbridge, there is such stillness round me; such country quietness I am sure you would enjoy it were you here. William Campbell is domiciled here also so I think we will be a pretty heavy tax on Mr & Mrs Campbell's hospitality, but they dont seem to consider it in that light state. Owing to Mr C.'s [Campbell?] illness, William has not yet commenced his business, but I suppose will soon be deep in accounts he goes into town however every day, and returns in time for dinner. I have not seen the [--all?] but I suppose I will visit it tomorrow or the day following. We sent our large trunks round by the sea and they not yet having arrived, I am ashamed to make my appearance in my travelling bonnet. The straw one was finished on board the Western, and my tuscan one presents now after my stage journeyings rather a melancholy aspect, fortunately Augusta contains a person able to clean and refit such articles and I intend to place it in her hands soon as I get anything else to put on my [pow?]. My dread of being scocked[shocked?] by seeing negroes round me, is greatly abated. the slaves here are like servants at home, the only difference I see is that at meals, at breakfast and tea, where we attend ourselves, and assist each other, we have always four attendants, waiting to hand different articles to five or six individuals. There is one coloured woman whose appearance is extremely prepossessing: she is housekeeper and the cleanest tidiest creature I have seen in this country, she has an uncommonly good countenance and seems very attentive the rest of those that wait are young; little boys, and slips of girls. I am fortunate in not being resident with a planter where necessarily I would see the slaves employed on the plantations. This is but a meagre epistle: the changes in place which have given materials for my former letters must now for some time be wanting I am set down to enjoy domestic retirement, and observe the difference not in things and places, but rather that in men and manners. My journal must necessarily become meagre too, indeed be laid aside entirely. I intend resuming my Italian when the books arrive by sea and try to keep up what I have already. I suppose you are busy with the [Signor?], writing and reading, you must when I get back take me under your tutorage, and teach me what you are gaining now. How are the pictures coming on? before you answer me, I will I daresay be thinking of travelling northwards again. Do you remember this day three months ? what a bustle we were in ! if you dont I do. It seems to me like yesterday and yet how much ground we have traversed since then. I am now going to take a ramble with my guide who tries often to play tricks on me, and [-nsg-a--?] me, but I am not to be tricked by he [torn] [her?] she gathers wild fruits, and pretends they are something very delicious [watch?] I have tried them, and pronounced them very bad. I will take a book with me, and enjoy the still day: to look at the trees you cannot see a leaf stirring, nor see a withered one falling, if winter be like this it will far surpass our summer. I have William to finish this epistle. How does my Peri get on ? are there many sick to cure ? but why ask questions when I can have no reply until my question be forgotten I must sisters goodbye, dont let little Bella and Andrew forget us, give my best love to all in High street, Arthur street, College square etc and Ever believe me to be Your attached and loving [---?] siss [sister?] Isabella or Blue Bell. Friday evening. Finding I had so little to write about I thought it better to let the Western go on its way and keep my letter till the next packet. Since I last wrote I went to Augusta to attend church preparatory to the New Minister's installation. The town presented a very different appearance from what it had done on Sunday; it consists of one street much wider than High street which was crowded with cotton waggons [wagons?] so that the carriage had some difficulty in getting through. It bears the aspect of a flourishing busy town and is after the dullness and deadness of everyplace in North Carolina quite reviving The houses are very neat mostly of brick and all the inhabitants seem pretty well off in the world. Mr Campbells town house is quite shut up but kept [furnished?] and we dine there the days we go to town. I said we went to church where we heard a preacher of the true evangelical stamp; one who inculcating human depravity puffed up his hearers with the idea that they were the special charge of God that for them the world was preserved and by their prayers God was wrought on [st---?] to permit the [----?] to rise and sit and this earth move on in its usual order I one of the unconverted listened but profitted not, perhaps when I have for three months attended the same ministry I may be one of the fold. The [Unitarians?] are now a scattered sect here their place of worship is shut up, their minister gone and themselves joining with their brethren of other demoninations. I am afraid the seed was sown in stony ground when it could so soon wither away. A [pr--raited?] meeting as these preparatory preachings are called is to be held till after Sunday and, I suppose I will be present tomorrow. This day for dinner we have had some friends of Mrs Campbells and Williams. I have received a good many visits but owing to my bonnet being in millners hands and I in consequence driven to wear my hood out of doors I have not returned any. You cannot imagine such a November for heat, we have been sitting with every window and door open to day to try and catch a breath of air and what is the worst I am in winter clothing which I put on in New York and can get nothing lighter till the trunks arrive by sea. The rain I hear is falling now and it will probably cool the atmosphere which every one says is unnaturally warm. I have not got any letter from home and here is Friday past a bright speck on the candle tonight betokens me and I trust it may be a true omen for I am longing to hear from some of you I expect to see Alida's writing in the [next?]. Mr Campbell is now recovered and William and his cousin have been busy [as?] [ever?] at accounts, pleasant occupation The settlement I believe promises to be tedious and I suppose will try our patience. I have not read a line of anything but some poems of [Wrt?] [S---ri--g?], the heat of the weather makes me very indolent. I am sure I would not blame any one on a Southern climate for being languid, yet every one I see here is as active as at home. the young ladies busy with their needles and the elders with their houses. We breakfast every morning at « past 7 O'clock and you may astonish Mrs Allen by telling her that William rises every morning at « past 6 just with daylight. I think I have written all I have to write. Oh! by the bye, I have with Mr Campbells assistance begun to collect leaves & for Knowly I intend to explore the forests and the woods any [and?] gather if it's productive some specimens to bear to the Gree [Green?] Isle what think you I found a shamrock on the road side the other day and it did my heart good to see it But I must go and bestow my company on Mrs C [Campbell?] and Miss Longstreet and bid good night to my dear dear sisters. I wonder if you think of us as much as I think of you no matter goodnight have pleasant dreams and [never?] forget Your attached and absent siss [sister?] Bella November 17th 1838. My Dear Sisters, I have nothing to write, but Bella says I must write something merely to show that I remember you, and in obedience to her command, I have taken up my pen merely to inform you that this day the thermometer is only 20 degrees lower than it was yesterday: we are therefore not exacly panting for breath. I am deeply involved in accounts; and although the work threatens to be tedious I have every reason to hope it will be satisfactory I have a lecture in store for John about not getting the (Poor Law) Chaplaincy: he might as well have had a slice of the great loaf when the division was taking place, as anybody else. We are looking anxiously for letters: we have not yet heard of the arrival of the Steamer Liverpool although we have New York [cates?] to the 13th Inst. that is 24 days after her perposed [proposed?] time of leaving Liverpool. - I am desirious of hearing something of my mother, but I must restrain my impatience:- Give my kindest regards to all our friends, and for yourselves accept the love of your Brotherin (sic) law W.J.Campbell Allen Envelope Address:- Andrew Marshall Esq M.D. Belfast Ireland per Ship [Roscius?] via Liverpool |