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Title: Extracts of letters from New York [U.S.A?]
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Sender Genderunknown
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginNew York, USA
Recipient Genderunknown
Relationshipre yellow fever
SourceThe Strabane Morning Post, no.569, 22 October 1822
ArchiveThe Linenhall Library, N. Ireland.
Doc. No.9407007
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 01:07:1994.
Word Count416
Extract of a private letter from New York, dated
September 8th.
"The yellow fever, which broke out some time
ago, has continued increasing in that quarter of
the city which always hitherto had been
considered the most healthy. The pestilential district
is inclosed with a high fence, and now completely
"A few days ago, on the approach of an
individual, he was assailed by a number of half-famished
cats; which would have devoured him had
he not fled for security. Carts [are?] employed
day and night, Sundays not accepted, in removing
furniture and goods of every description, so
that the city appeared as if in a state of actual
siege. I live one mile from the infected, or what
is deemed the infected spot, and have narrowly
marked the progress of the contagion from its
commencement. It began near the dock in the beginning
of July, in two children, who sickened of this
maligant disease, and died with the black vomit
in the very spot where a vessel from Havanah
had discharged her cargo.
"From this source, as a common centre, the
pestilence spread, every few days presenting new
cases. The infected limits are nearly in the form
of a square. I calculate, and, from practical
experience, can say, that the march of this
malignant enemy, in every direction it takes, is at the
rate of about 30 feet, and that nothing but the
approach of frost will effectually check it. The
physicians differ as to the cause of the disease;
one half assert that it is imported; the other, that
it is of local origin. Certain it is, that the season
has been exceedingly hot, the thermometer having
been frequently from 90 to 94 degrees in the shade.
Heat and moisture are always found to favour the
spread of the epidemic."
Extract of another letter from New York, dated
15th September.
"The fever still keeps insiduously crawling
along, and has now extended itself considerably
beyond the original boundaries. Upon a moderate
calculation it is supposed that upwards of
fifty thousand people have been thrown out of the
city; so that the immediate neighbourhood, from
the bustle and confusion, and the temporary
buildings which have been erected, has assumed all
the appearance of a wake or fair. The alarm in
the country is so great that I don't expect any of
the country dealers will venture in until frost
makes its appearance, which will not only throw
the Fall Trade late, but will cause it to be of very
short durarion."