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Title: [?], Holywood, Co. Down to [William Wightman, America?]
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Sender Genderunknown
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginHolywood, Co. Down, N.Ireland
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT 1475/1 p33: Copied by Permission of Miss A. McKisack, 9 Mount Pleasant, Belfast.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9404159
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 20:04:1994
Word Count409
Co. Down.
March 26'57 [1857?]

My dear William,

I have not heard from you for a considerable time, not
having even got a newspaper lately as a sign that you are living and
well. You mentioned in the letter announcing your Mother's death
that you intended to continue the annual sum which she had allowed to
Miss Martin. This was very liberal and very considerate on your
part, but I am glad to say that further aid has been rendered unnecessary
in consequence of the friends of her sister (Mrs Lane) taking an interest
in her, and allowing her a sum of £20 per annum. You are I think
aware that Mrs Lane had for many years allowed Miss Martin an annual
sum and it was the interruption of that payment which rendered it
necessary for her friends here to assist her. I applied several times
to Mrs Lane to no purpose, but at Christmas last I had a letter from
her niece Miss Lane of Bandon informing me that Mrs Lane was in a state
of dotage, and that among her papers were found letter applying for aid
on behalf of Miss Martin. This led to an enquiry respecting Miss M's
[Martin's?] circumstances, and the result has been the arrangement by which
I am to receive for her £5 quarterly.

I had a letter lately from John McAlister he and his family
are well; his two little boys the finest in the country. He mentioned
that he would write to you seeking the date of our Grandfather's death.
It is not likely you could give it, at any rate I hunted it out in the
Newspaper file so that I have all the information I wanted. It was
to insert the date on a headstone I was getting put up with iron
enclosure in the burying ground in Lisburn.

The country is all excitement at present owing to the
dissolution of Parliament. The elections will be on in a few days.
I sent you a Belfast paper two or three days ago which will explain the
state of its election politics and I will send you another containing
the result of the contest. The winter has been rather severe and
long though we have not had much frost or snow. A day or two ago we
had a heavy fall of snow, but it passed away in a few hours. We have
had unusually high winds and of course great damage to shipping.

[rest of letter is missing]