Title: | John James Murphy to Martin Murphy, 6 March 1865 |
ID | 4054 |
Collection | Argentina - Murphy |
File | murphy/29 |
Year | 1865 |
Sender | Murphy, John James |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | cattle breeder |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Estancia de la Caldera, Argentina |
Destination | Haysland, Co. Wexford, Ireland |
Recipient | Murphy, Martin |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 1003 |
Genre | change of residence, property, acquaintances |
Note | |
Transcript | Estancia de la Caldera My Dear Friends, We are now moved on to our new place with 6,000 six thousand and odd sheep. Patt and family, George Furlong, Mick Brown, and William Carr. But we are yet short of another man to get along smoothly. It's now more than three months since I last saw it and at each time it has pleased me better. It is possessed of all those qualities of grass and herbage best adapted for sheep-farming and situated in every way so as to give ample satisfaction. It no doubt has brought me under many compromises and inconveniences for same time, but yet I look upon it as something that will justify me in making a struggle to hold, and with God's help and our own perseverance soon expect to have clear of all encumbrances. Dear Brother, I should in the beginning of this have acknowledged the receipt of your letter with the note enclosed from F.J.W. concerning Mrs. K., for which I am very thankful. The greatest reasons I had for making these enquiries was that I saw or imagined that there yet remained somewhat of that greediness he speaks of, and I have since heard that her husband William K. and herself lived very unhappy. But things are often talked of that never had a foundation. As to the Dr Furlong's letter, it was sent out after her, not with her, as he ____ on the continent at the time of he leaving, she is a very ladylike looking woman and that which I look upon as greediness may be owing to the high sphere of life in which she have heretofore moved, and as you and F.J.W. justly remark the most important information is that of during the period of his husband's life with her. However my circumstances at present do not permit me to do anything hastily and you can from time to time let me know anything you may happen to find out. This you can do on a slip of paper enclosed in your letters. I am very glad to know that the £100 reached you so opportunely. The second bill I never sent though I thought I had but there is now no necessity to do so. The land project has now past into law, compelling every one that has got land as I have (the squatter's right) to make property of the whole or whatever portion of it they choose. But there terms are moderate that's only the first payment that may inconvenience purchasers, as they have to pay the 1/6 of the amount on the deeds being completed, and the remainder in six installments in six years at six per cent per annum. I have got to inform you that there is about ½ of this camp I bought not yet refined as suitable for sheep as the coarse virgin grass has never been eaten down. But the other ½ that is the same size as the Flor del Uncalito and capable of keeping as much sheep, and I consider quite adequate to be able clear itself and its expenses each year. That part that is yet coarse cannot yet adapted for sheep, I intend to rent for cattle, which will at least pay small interest for the money laid out and will in the course of three of four years have it refined so as that sheep. As they increase on it we can extend the flock on the camp as it improves. My plan of proceeding is to buy ½ that's the good, ½ at the government price $190,000, and to let the other ½ remain as I am sure the government won't get to sell it at the price. And at whatever time or at whatever amount the may happen to effect a sale I am yet entitled to a preference to take it at the amount offered, so it's not likely that it will meet a purchaser as they know that I am not likely to let it go so long as I am prepared with means to buy it. And if not compelled to buy it as above mentioned I yet have my right to it at the small sum of $2,000 per square league per year. James speak of sending out the account of what he owe me. I will answer his letter after receiving the above mentioned account. I may now tell him that from the changes that have been made in the flock of the Rincón, that after regulating the account shall yet likely remain a sound sum in his favour. From the changes above aluded to and his part of the wool of this year, there will remain to his credit about $28,000 or something about £200 English. William Furlong and Carr are very good boys. Martin Doyle if he parts in his time I will ship him. He has made some moves here I think endeavouring to provoke me to part him off. But I think he is only cutting or bad to ship himself. Don't have anything to do with gentle men and servants again. I think the cause of his disagreements is owing to a man on the place that have been blowing poison in his ear, and who I have cleared out now disappointed enough. James says that I am determined never to leave this country. This is my belief if it was a thing that you all would come out here. Otherwise my mind is very different to his. Dear Friends, all out here well, and I hope this will find you all the same at home and I remain your sincere and dearest brother, John Murphy P.S. Send me out the recipe of how to make both the ointment and the Liquid Blister for horses, the quantity of flies &c. in each sort of Blister. Get it from James Pitt, his son John is marine. J.M. |