Title: | John James Murphy to Martin Murphy, 10 March 1869 |
ID | 4090 |
Collection | Argentina - Murphy |
File | murphy/65 |
Year | 1869 |
Sender | Murphy, John James |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | cattle breeder |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Uncalito, Argentina |
Destination | Haysland, Co. Wexford, Ireland |
Recipient | Murphy, Martin |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 720 |
Genre | birth, weather, cattle, family, acquaintances, payments, money, correspondence |
Note | |
Transcript | Flor del Uncalito My dear friends, I received neither letters nor papers by the February's mail, but I hope no particular reason has prevented you writing on that occasion. I wrote to Father Reville by last mail. I had at that time just become a father of a young daughter, which God was pleased to send us on the 16th ultimo. Both it and mother are progressing favourably. On the 14th inst. we intend to get it christened and to call it Catherine Margaret, Catherine from poor dear Mother and Margaret from Ellen's mother, and sister Margaret. We may yet add another name to the above, as it's generally given also the saint's name on which it was born. Dear friends, this must be a short letter as this is the season for regulating the flock for the year, and we are generally very busy. Dear friends, Though this has been rather a favourable summer in most places, yet the camps has been very bare in parts and several had to move their flocks, Brother William amongst the rest. He moved three flocks. There are two of them here and the other is out at my other place, the Caldera. His camp got cut up by an invasion of cattle from the other province last winter, which came down here from the bad state of the camps up there. But he will soon be able take his sheep home to his own camp again, as it is fast improving. You may tell Peter Cleary's people that he is going on very well, and is a very good boy and I am sure will do well. Ennis has been up to now rather humorous. He has not got the good sense of Cleary, but with all he is not bad. I have made a new arrangement with Cullen and wife. John Boggan was talking me about one of the girls of the Atkinsons that got married to one Fitzpatrick. He gives her great praise and says they have no children. Enquire about them or any other you think would suit, one or two children would be an advantage, providing they be about 10 years old or upwards. Otherwise, they would not. But one or two children is no object, that is providing the parents are not likely to have any more. Look out and let me know if any such can be met with, as William wants one at present, and I cannot tell how soon Cullen may take the fit again. Andy Pierce called here the other day on his way from Rojas to his new employer, an American close to here. He is well. Patt Carr has left outside also. He is going to stop with me in charge of a flock. John Boggan is with me at the estancia. He is a valuable man about a place, and he seems very contented and happy. He is intends giving a good trial to the country before he takes the notion of going elsewhere. Nicholas Murphy has been expecting his money out by early mail. Of course you have acted in this matter according to my previous instructions, that is to receive sixty pounds from his brother on my account. Mind let me know the date on which you receive the cash from him. I disremember at present whether is was sixty of seventy pounds I wrote to you to receive, but it is all the same which amount it was. You can send letters or papers now every week if you like, as there are mail packets coming every week. The Liverpool steamers now carry the mails. Sheep has been selling this year at an advance of five dollars per head over last. There are many buyers at that but few care to sell. The slaughter houses or saladeros are beginning to tell now they are got so plenty now that they kill about the increase of sheep this last year, and through this mean sheep will be brought to their real value. Dear friends, Hoping you will enjoy all the blessing and graces of this holy season of Lent. We join in sending you all the kind love of your dear brother and sister, John J. & E.J. Murphy |