Title: | Lamport & Holt to Martin Murphy, 20 November 1877 |
ID | 4135 |
Collection | Argentina - Murphy |
File | murphy/110 |
Year | 1877 |
Sender | Lamport & Holt |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | shipping agent |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Liverpool, England |
Destination | Haysland, Co. Wexford, Ireland |
Recipient | Murphy, Martin |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | business |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 112 |
Genre | passage arrangements |
Note | |
Transcript | Liverpool In reply to your letter of 16th instant, we can take your two steerage passengers per Hevelius. They will have to go on board at 11 o’clock on the morning of the 1st proximo. You can send luggage addressed to our warehouse, Crewood Chambers, 17 Brunswick Street, and it will be sent on board. L&H [Note in the back of letter] Haysland, Nov. 27th, 1877 Lamport & Holt ____ Sir they passengers going per Hevelia to B. Ayres will be at your office on Saturday morning the 1st ____ Mr. William Murphy cabin passenger will arrange for their passages yours Martin Murphy. |