Title: | Moore, Sally to Pettit, John, 1870 |
ID | 4184 |
Collection | Argentina - Pettit |
File | pettit/24 |
Year | 1870 |
Sender | Moore, Sally |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Destination | Melbourne, Australia |
Recipient | Pettit, John |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | cousins |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 627 |
Genre | correspondence, war, weather, family |
Note | |
Transcript | Buenos Aires, May 13th, 1870. My dear Cousin, It is a very long time now since we have heard from you, the last letter which I received from you was the letter containing the particulars of your poor father’s death. I hope that nothing serious has prevented you from writing lately. Patricio wrote to you a long time ago and has received no answer, he will be a little jealous if he does not get an answer. I have not written lately as both Kate and Fanny have been in town and wrote to you. Kate first and Fanny the month after. We are all well here thank God, there have been a few cases of yellow fever in town lately but people think that it won’t do much as the winter is so near, God grant that it may be so. You will have read in the Standard of the termination of the Paraguyan war, but the peace was not to last long, there is a revolution in Entre Rios and General Urquiza who has ruled there with a strong hand for something like twenty years has been assassinated and also two of his sons. The troops left here on the day the news arrived to put down the rebels but up to this there has not been much done, the general opinion is that it will be a long affair, so you see how unfortunate we are, one war is scarcely over when another commences, and then we are always in dread that our brothers and friends will be made to serve. There is an order out now for all men born in the country to enrol themselves, which of course they won’t do so that after the term mentioned is up they are liable to be made soldiers of the line or veterans of it is very annoying, but I hope that it will pass off this time as it did before, very few were caught. We have a very fine year there have been very heavy rains so that the camps look beautiful. Sheep and wool are rising in price too and everything looks well, only for the everlasting revolutions all would be well. One of our relations, a first cousin of your mother and mine died lately. You may have heard your father speak of him, his name was Patrick Garrahan he came to this country with Mamma and leaves a large family, the poor man has spent several years of his life out of his mind. I have been out there on a visit for seven days, most of our old friends are gone now. Miss Roach I believe is well I seldom see her unless I go to her house. I believe she is doing well in business she is rearing a little boy an orphan child of Irish parents since the cholera which is great company to her. I am rearing his brother, hers is near six years old and mine two years younger. I received papers up to the last two months. Yours do not go so regularly now as we do have to send for them to the Standard office now he does not send the Packet edition now so we wait until either of my brothers are in town to get them for us, but although they don’t go so regularly as before, we always send them. Now my dear John I will finish with kind regards from my mother and my sister Maggie, and believe me your ever affectionate cousin, Sally Moore. Don’t forget to write often, Mamma says that she would not encourage you to come here and to leave your business, but that she hopes to see you before she dies. Yours, S.M. |