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Title: Reynolds, Mary to Reynolds, Laurence and Mary Ann, 1882
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, Mary
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationhead of household
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds, Laurence and Mary Ann
Recipient Gendermale-female
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count412
Genrebirth, family, weather, politics
Transcript281 Regent Rd
Feb 6th 82

Dear Laurence & Mary Ann,
We Received your two Kind Letters which gave us great pleasure to Hear that you ware all well, particular) Mary Ann getting over all
hir trouble and Having a young Doughter. This time I hope god will
keep her alive to Help her Mother. I was glad whin we got your Letter
to See that it was a doughter, although the Mothers in America likes the
Sones Because one day the[y] may get to Be the President of the great
Republick of America if the[y] worke themselves up to that posison in
life. It all Depends on there own Energy.
Dear Laurence, Patrick is able to goe to His worke. He was 12
weeks at Home. He is just getting Round now. Williams finger is quite
well, But on christmas Eve he was coming home from the Shops after
paying the girls and he tooke a cab to take him Home quick and when
he was getting out his foot Sliped of[f] the Step and he Strained his foot
and he could not wair his Boot for 3 weeks. We ware very thankfull, it
might have Been worse. It is all Right now, thank god.
Dear Laurence, The weather is very mild. We Had no Winter this
yeare. It is Like Some r weather. A great Many people are dicing this
yeare. The weather would be Much more Seasonable if we had Some
frost and Snow. My Health is Mid ling considering My age, I cannot
com pl ane. John and his wife is very well and Doing well.
Things are going on just the Same if not worse in Ireland. The[y] are
rilling the jails up and the people are as Determand as Ever. The[y]
never ware So determand. We Expect the[y] will throw this government
out this time. We had a great meeting in the free trade Hall. It was a
grand sucess. We had Miss Parnell. She Spoke well But she is getting
tired out with Spak ing. William and Mary Ann was on the platform.
Mary Ann had the pleashure of Spaking to Miss Parnell.
Dear Laurence, We have nothing more to Say this time. I was very
pla sed to Hear how good Willie was when his Mother was Sick. I hope
he will always be a good Boy and pray for his gran mother.
I Remane
youre afectionate Mother Sister & Brothers
until Death